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NFL Quarterback Club 2000

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Walkthroughs for NFL Quarterback Club 2000 on Dreamcast

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NFL Quarterback Club 2000 Cheats

At the Cheat Menu, enter any of the following "Codes":

SCLLYMLDR = Alien Stadium
TRBMN = Infinite Turbo
RGBY = Rugby Mode
BTTRFNGRS = More Fumbles
HSPTL = More Injuries
BCHBLL = Big Football
FLBBR = Flubber Ball
HSNFR = Smoking Ball and Players
SHRTGYS = Small Players
TTHPCK = Thin Players
MRSHMLLW = Fat Players
PPCRNRTRNS = Landmines on Field
BGMNY = Large Coin at Toss
FRRSTGMP = Slow Motion

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