Enter these names and account number (words/#'s in brackets) to start a new game with the amount of money listed.
Code - Effect
blank name (458) - $1,000,000
JKL (20227310) - $239,000
TRON (999) - $240,000
Goo (99999999) - $244,900
MUSTIS (11111111) - $244,900
GHOST BUSTERS (8796191) - $274,000
blank name (614) - $300,000
LEFTY (LEFTY) - $860,000
SMITH,TREMMOR (27221502) - $89,700
Andy (777) - Unlimited money
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program.
Code - Effect
POKE 38454,96 SYS 24576 - Cheat mode
POKE 22014,9 - Unlimited lives
Start the game with $720,000
On the first screen, when it asks you your name, type "Owen", and when it prompts you to type in an account number, type "List" and hit enter. You'll start the game with $720,000.
Enter your name as ''12345'' and your account number as ''25393120''. You'll start a new game with $415,500.
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