It does not matter if you win or lose, you will still be rewarded with a card. Keep playing to fill your card books and train. Have boost cards that can increase all the skills available to get an advantage during matches. Because you can only use one boost per fight, make sure it is used at the best moment. When you get two cards of the same type, combine them to get extra skills on your basic card. Afterwards, begin training your cards. At first, train your medium ranked cards in order to increase your chances of winning. As you progress to better and rarer cards, begin using the rare cards to level up the existing cards. Always combine cards of similar levels or you may lose points when combining superstars. Try getting your cards to at least level 7 before combining then. Instead of maxing out one character at a time, go with all of them at once and try to keep them to as high of a level as possible. Start with your best superstars because you will probably use them longer, followed by less useful cards in order of strength.
Upgrade your Diva as often as possible, preferably until she is at the maximum level. Rare or better Divas are difficult to acquire. Your Diva should be the first card that is upgraded to maximum level. If you get a better one, you will need both of them for the King of the Ring.
Tip 1: Plaing Exhibit games will certainly make you cards to construct a much better deck.
Tip 2: The strength of your Exhibit Deck modifications your Exhibit Tier Score and this identifies the Gifts you will certainly be contending for.
Tip 3: King of the ring matches you up with 15 other players to contend for the champion and make effective gifts.
Tip 4: The strength of your king of the ring deck modifications your king of the ring tier score. And this in turn identifies the gifts you will certainly be contending for.
Tip 5: Positioning is made use of for Tag Team Matches and matching positionings are excellent tag team and get a stat bonus offer.
Tip 6: Drag and Drop Energy cards gathered from the Exhibit games to bring back a super stars stamina.
Tip 7: Use Boost cards to enhance superstar stats throughout the Next game. Just one of each boost can be active at a time.
Tip 8: Training a super star eliminates another super star from MY Cards to enhance the Student's level.
Tip 9: 2 of the specific very same super stars can be combined into a professional version of the super stars. Pro super stars have much better stats and a greater Full capacity.
Getting rare and better cards
Upgrade your deck to Super Rare+ and higher. You can increase the chance of getting a Super Rare and better card by using a higher ranked deck in exhibition games. Increase the meter in the upper left corner that displays the combined power of your cards by training your cards. Those trained cards will also have a better chance of winning matches and give you more card picks in Exhibition mode. Repeatedly play Exhibition mode games, against opponents that have low total game plays and the most losses. Win King of the Ring championships. This is time consuming, as there are fifty games that must to be played and the cards will lose their value. Charge and replenish energy to keep your wrestlers in top shape. Save boosts for the later games, when they will be needed more.
When selecting at match, look at your opponent's record. Try to find a player with more losses than wins or new players with no losses or wins. You can force a new set of opponents to appear in Exhibition mode by tapping one of your cards then tapping the "Back" button. Repeat this until a more suitable opponent can be found. Tag team Always have cards that are compatible in your hand for the tag team, or at least have the same symbol. If your cards are compatible (where the triangles create a perfect symbol), you will get a 10% skill bonus. If they are the same symbol, there is no bonus or loss. If they are incompatible (where the triangles are mixed), you will lose 5% of the skills.
People's Champion Challenge
Select one of the champions that you will be playing for. Your choice is irrelevant, as you will still receive a reward based on your performance. Play the People's Champion matches and you will still receive your usual picks; wins and losses will still be recorded, but all your wins will qualify as points for the challenge itself. Focus on easy wins, and avoid 5 point opponents unless you are sure you can defeat them. Instead go for many quick 1 point victories. You must play actively to get a chance at the top rewards by climbing the leaderboards. If the game servers are under heavy load, it may cause you to lose games. Wait for off hours or slow times to play.
Bring uncommon or better support cards and try to have all the skills covered. For example, have one with toughness and charisma and another with power and speed. Save your support cards for the second or third rounds or when the opponent has a card that is easy to defeat.
The King of the Ring is an automatic mode that rewards you with extra cards. Because the PvP matching is based on the strength of your deck, start with the worst possible deck to intentionally reduce your strength. As soon as the tournament starts, swap the cards with your best ones to have the best chance of winning. To win King of the Ring easily, start when you have at least 4 energy. Start strong to get an early lead. Save boosters for later stages. The qualifying rounds should be easy enough to win without them. Qualify each time to get a top card. Be active during a championship and log in often to restore your wrestlers' stamina or revise the lineup. You can still train your wrestlers and increase their stats after the championship starts. Keep cards available to train your stable. Try to have ten decent wrestlers to have the option to switch them around.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Epic Proportions (3,000 XP)
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- It's Legendary! (2,500 XP)
| - Get your first Legendary Card.
| - Get your first Epic Card.
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| - Reach the Ultra Rare Tier.
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| - Reach the Legendary Tier.
| - Reach the Super Rare Tier.
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