Best bang for your bucks and energy on dates
Toronto is without a doubt, the best place to go on your date. Make sure your energy is all the way up and you can be done in one shot. The Space Needle is $100 and takes only 2 energies. When finished, it yields 8-10 hearts! It also spits out an occasional energy bolt. Collect the hearts quickly and that is one minute and change that you have taken off of your energy timer! Then click on the $25 newspaper. It costs three energy. Your date LOVESseeing the two of you on the front page and again, you yield 8-10 hearts and a potential energy bolt. There is a theater performance for $75 as well for only 3 energy. Yields about 5-6 I believe. But if you wait for a few seconds after you do the Space Needle and the Newspaper, one of the two will appear again. You just keep doing those two.
Also, after a few times through, you can click on the trash can, passing car and the billboard and bump out xp, energy and money. |
Submitted by SteveGaining Energy when you are out....take a trip around town!
You can leave a date or movie/tv filming while you are in the middle of the task. You can go around town and click on the hidden xp places. The thing is, for every dollar sign, xp bubble and energy lightning bolt you find and get 5 seconds subtracted from your energy timer. I go through all of LA, run into every store and also try to guess everyone's name. By the time I get back onto the set or to my date, I have accumulated 6-12 energy points. |
Submitted by SteveNice way to add XP and to help add A and B listers to your contact list:
Go into Club Coco (I bribe the bouncer to have unlimited access). Click on three hidden xp places in there:
1st dancer up to the left.
Bottle on the floor underneath her.
2nd dance up in cage to the right.
If a bubble appears over the heads of the two patrons, go to the bar and buy a drink then ask bartender for gossip. She will give you the name of one of the patrons. Then click chat with that person. Hopefully they will give you an option to either, guess their name or ask them their name. ALWAYS choose guess. You have a 50-50 chance if the bartender didn't give you their name. If you get it right, then you get a mini xp boost and a big one as well. If the person is an A or B lister, add them to your contacts. now invite one of your friends out on a date to the club. When they get there, CANCEL THE DATE. When you do, two different patrons will appear. You now potentially can meet two more people and guess their names and grab more xp.
I do this when my energy is out and I don't feel like running around anymore. If the person is a below a B level, I do not call them to add to my list. I just take the xp and dismiss them! |
Submitted by SteveMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements