Hey do u love things that aren't expensive but should be then try this first go to the bazaar and click on a card you do not have enough for and then click the back button then you will see all of these cards that say sale almost done or what ever so go to the next page then you'll see cards that are for sale then start skimming throw really fast looking for good deals I wonce found a SSR for 10 when it should have been 100
Getting the most out of card evolution
Enhance your rare cards before you evolve them to make them more powerful. If you don't, it can really waste valuable cards. With low value cards this isn't as important.
Hints and tips for beginners
New or not heres a quick starter guide. Start questing and invest 75% of points into stamina the rest in attack. You need stam to lvl fast and get free cards at lvls 20 and 40! At lvl 25 - 30 start spreading youre points evenlynot exceeding 100 or so for def (can raise this later). Get your stam to 150-175 and put everything after that to att!! Remember to send msgs of support regularly to get friendship points and with them free card packs. Evolve cards..all cards to unlock archive awards BUT enhance your best cards before evolving to get the best possible stats!! Remember skill cards used to enhance may increase skill lvl. Finally if this has helped please enter referal code byw71658 after tutorial to get 100k and a free rare card!
Really the only way to jailbreak
The only way that I have found to "cheat" in Rage of Bahamut (RoB) is to jailbreak my ipod with Cydia and Redsn0w. Then I downladed UDIDFaker from Cydia which allows me to change the ID registration code of my ipod for different apps. What you need to do is:
1. Set up an email account that is not already used for RoB
2. Open UDIDFaker and click on the RoB icon
3. Click on the "Random UDID" bitton in the bottom right corner
4. Double-click the ipod's home button and close RoB completely
5. Re-open RoB and sign up a new account with the new email adress
6. At the end of the tutorial, put in the referal code for your original RoB account
7. Once you reach level 10 in the new account, you can trade with your original account any cards and items you want
Yes, it takes time, but I have been able to obtain dozens of rare and high rare cards and tons of cure potions and heal powders. Also, entering the referal code gives the new account an Heroic Angel rare card and the original account recieves a special rare card and 1000 friendship points. I ave used this meathod at least a dozen times and now i can crank out a level 10 in about an hour and a half.
Another tip is to use all of your normal cards recieved through quests to enhance the heck out of your rares and high rares. Also, using cards that are from a different realm than the card you are enhancing boosts he amount of maturity the enhanced card recieves.
If you are a new user, please use my referal code and I will send you many rupies!!
Code: vza93474
When the Tutorial has finished enter the referral code ryt46368 to get 100,000 Rupees and an exclusive rare card.
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