Bottomless hole (literaly)
Creative mode only on the Minecraft pocket edition full version.
Dig down
Keep going
Make a hole from the top to the bottom
Make a hole in the bottom (until you see daylight)
There you go and you will die.
If you are building a castle in minecraft pocket edition then you need aplace with flat grould and no mountains. When you are building your house you need a flat surface too but here's a secret. when building you house you can trick your friends. Make a tiny little square building but inside put nothing but a trap door and dig a huge, underground house so make sure the walls are like stone or something ( has to match what you used to build the tiny building of course! and when you show your friends the outside it's small but on th inside it is huge!! NOTE: MAKE SURE YOUR IN CREATIVE MODE!
Please read all of this before doing it :) First go to creative mode then name your world for example: my world the build any thing then create a survival mode then name it for example again: my world 2 then quit to the mine craft PE then go to the file manager the go to the games folder then yoll see com.mojang... folder, then select the my world folder then copy the chunks.dat then go to the my world 2 folder then delete the chunk of the my world 2 folder then paste on the my world 2 folder the chunks.dat form the my world folder. Then exit to the file manager then start again your mine craft PE then select my world 2 folder then the house you build in creative will be on the survival but some times you need to find youre home make sure the the rage of the clear ness on your game will be on high level o you can see your house quickly :) Note:this will only work if your mine craft supports survival and creative and for android only.
First you need two people then two chests one of them has stuff you want to dupclate the other one is empty then both you and your friend click on the full chest both press on somthing you want to duplicate (at the same time) put it back then you do more.
Play on multiplayer, then go to any chest, then you and your buddy press a item at the same time, you will then both get the item.then put the item back (not at the same time) then you'll have double the amount of the item at first. Thanks to this glitch i have 304 diamonds, 400 butter ingots, 150 iron and a lot of other items.
Easy way to get resources
Frist go fo creative mode place a load of bricks gold iron etc then go back to the main menu and go inyo survival mode then go to your files click on to games then minecraft then look for the creative mode click on it yoh will see chunks copy it then find your survival mode and overwright the chunks then hey presto then go back to your game and click on to survival mode then the blocks will be there.
Great seed for loads of Diamonds
I found a really great seed it is called DIAMONDSTARTERS No spaces or lowercase letters it spawns you near a big ocean and sometimes if your lucky there are under water caves that you can easily find diamonds in. To breathe under water keep putting torches on blocks under water and when it pops of the block you will breath a bit do this repeatedly to easily get to the under water caves if the seed doesn't work keep the words just change it slightly I only tried it briefly.
Hint #1 - How To Change World Name Without Deleting It!
Firstly you must have:
- An explorer (Recommended)
- Or a Computer could do the work but it so long.
First go to the directory where your game is. (on Android it is: sdcard>android>games>com.mojang>worlds>heretheyare!)
Now right click or long press the World and rename it accordingly to your choice.
Hint #2 - Boost Your Minecraft!
Turn off the "Fancy Graphics". And check on "Low Quality"
And after this you're done, voi'la!
Make a moat around your house three blocks wide and five blocks deep. If it isn't three or more blocks wide, then some spiders can get in your house.
First use the app pocket inventory editor to get lava. cover your house door with any block on the form of a pool and cover it. Then place a sign wrote "break the wrong block and will die" making one block let reach the door without the lava hit who try invade your house. Then make a secret passage to safely enter your house (remember to make the pool hight and cover it top, or the intruder will see what block break and will steal your house and any item inside it).
Start a game with your favorite seed.(You can build something there if you like.)
Tell your friend to come to your house. (You need to use the same wifi to do multiplayer.)
Tell your friend to to click join game. (You have to click the button that says server is invisible first to make the server visible. If its already visible, move on.)
He will join your game. (be careful, he might kill you and steal your house)
How to duplicate gold iron and diamonds
First lets say you found an iron ore and you smelted it. Now you have one iron ingont. Go to your crafting table and turn the ingot into a block then turn the block back into an ingot. You should get nine ingots. Now put 8 of th em in your chest. Now with the 1 ingot go to the craftinh table and turn that one into a block reapeat umtil u get how much you want. Also works with gold and diamonds.
How to get away from monsters
Did you know you can get away from monsters but still live by them? Well you can... first choose a seed then you find a cave with monsters and then go a little bit further and you will see a mountain of concrete make a path to get high on it and mine away and they'll never know so just enjoy the peace of watching them trying to find you and catching on fire in the morning and collect what they dropped.
How to get unlimited Diamond, iron, gold, etc.
If you want more Diamond or anything such like that follow these steps.
Find 9 pieces of diamond, or special item.
Next craft the diamond block or desired item, from the crafting table.
then place the block down somewhere.
After you have placed the desired block down press the home button of your iPhone, iPad , etc.
Then finally double click the home button of your device.
Keep double clicking it until you see the app slot where it has your previous played apps.
Then holed the " MineCraft " app until it has a red negative sign on it. Press the Negative sign. The app will still be there but not where your previous ones where right then.
Now turn your phone off, wait about 3-5 seconds then turn it back on.
Once you have done that step go back too the app and the world you were in.
Now go too the place which you have placed your desired block down. Once you are there you should see the block where you have placed it and the same exact block in your inventory.
If you keep repeating this step over and over again you will have lots and lots of diamond , iron , gold , etc. * This Should work if you are doing it right. I have over 2,000 diamonds !!!! Because of this trick. It's easy , it's fun , and it should work.
How to keep random people from joining your game
Make a new world. Build a pillar that is 25+ blocks high on the spawn point (preferably using a strong block so the player won't try breaking it) Go on and start building and stuff. When people want to join your game, but you don't want them to, they will spawn on the pillar and when they try to jump down, they will die. After awhile they'll leave cause they don't won't to keep dying :) I hope this helps! Also a good way to keep griefers from...griefing.
How to make a bow and arrow
How to make a bow and arrow?
You have to get arrows from the stick people
You have to get wire from spiders
You have to get wood
How to make a herobrine spawned
Make a three by three square made of gold blocks. then put moss stone in the middle. And then put netheract on top of the moss stone and then put a torch in the middle of each three gold blocks there has to be 4 torches and then light the top of the netheract remember the fire has to be last.
How to make a secret passage
Quick note- you will need "wooden planks" get wood from tree go to crafting table to make the wood from the tree into wooden planks.Ready to start! This is like a really easy thing to do, but in case your a beginner- this is how to make a secret trap door.
Okay so build a room, house, ditch, tunnel or whatever you want to be the location of the secret passage. Then this is, surprisingly, what some people "don't get" you have to DIG downwards at any point or place in your chosen location (make sure you have ladders with you) and once you decide to stop (don't go too far or you'll fall through the centre of the earth) you can make your secret room or area then you can start to put your ladders up the tunnel as you climb up and up to where you first dug. Now go to(or make) a "crafting table" and use some wood (thats why the note on how to get the wood is handy) to make a trap door place your trap door down (for better ability to access) the oppressive side of the ladders you put down your secret passage is complete. The only problem is.... It is visible to any player!!!
So I would recommend placing your bed or crafting table over the top that way it is safe from other players. But don't put a chest there. You ask why? Because chests keep items of yours in them and to another player that is what they want- your items and they might well take everything from your chest and once they've done that mine and steel your chest and- ohhh! They think they're clever do they? Now I know where they have been hiding! And that's your secret passage way and hide out blow!!
So watch out and be a clever crafter.
How to play survival without monsters
If you are scared on survival mode then do what i say!!! So make a survival world and pause it. Then you want to click on options. Find your difficulty bar and put it all the way down. Now when you play on your survival acounts there will be no monsters and you can collect your resources safely. The only animals with your difficulty down are pigs, cows, sheep, and chickens. If you want wolves you'll need to put your difficulty up and kill a skeleton so you can get a doggy!
How to survive before multiplayer battles
Get all of the wood in a few trees. You don't have much time until night so hurry!
Build a little hut made of dirt or sand.(You can make better houses later.)
Get some stone with your extra time. Be careful not to go that far.
It's night! Get back home ASAP.
Now in your house, build a crafting table and make a stone pickaxe if you have any stone. If not, just make it out of wood.
In your house, dig down for some stone and stuff.
Use the stone to make armor, tools, and weapons.
Now that you are protected, get out your house and fight some spiders, zombies, and skeletons to get what they drop.
It's morning now. Spend the rest of you day collecting extra stuff for in case.
It's night. Make tools out of the stuff you got and then shoot some zombies with arrows.
It's daytime again. Look for some stuff that enemy's dropped when they died by the sun.
Time to mine for diamond and gold! But first you'll need powerful tools so you can mine the diamond and gold.
Find some iron and make a pickaxe out of it. Mine all the way down to the bedrock.
Go 10 to 15 blocks above the bedrock.
Mine forward and you'll probably find a bunch of diamonds if you don't mess around.
Once you get lots of diamonds, make armor, tools, and weapons. Make sure you have some extra diamonds cause multiplayer battles are not safe.
Make sure you have a lot extra of everything before doing multiplayer battles.
Make sure you make your server visible, then tell your friend to come to your house.
Tell your friend to click join game, and then he will join you game you were playing.(It loads for a long while.)
He will join your game!
If you live in a cave tips and tricks
If you live in a cave and you're having problems with the mobs spawning, then just make a room with a crafting table, furnace, furnace floor, hole that goes to bedrock, and 2 doors (1 in cave, and 1 leads to outside the cave in case you leave the mobs for later. If you want a pet, then first have a test animal, close him in the cave, but you obviouslt can't completely seal it. So just put lots of trapholes outside in case he escapes, then keep trying until he has no escape, then he could be your pet or not. If you're cave is too small, then make an upper room instead of having to look for blocks and make a room, this just requires breaking. I have no more cheats, but for more i will make a part 2, and try the seed:hunt. It is my main seed, flat big land, snow, giant cave (my home with a chicken), and others.
Hit a door on its bottom space, knock it down, it drops two doors. Or knock a trapdoor down, it always drops two. This is a good way to save wood. Of course, you could grow trees, but you can do this at yer door, literally.
You want a lot of wood? You live on an island with 1 tree? Well, here is a way to make a tonne of trees. I found this trick while experimenting on P.E. on my friend's tablet.
Step 1: Cut down the tree and take all the branches.
Step 2: Wait till night falls and go to bed. The leaves left will gradually fall, some leaving saplings.
Step 3: Get the saplings and plant them around the Island.
Step 4: Use your method of growing them.
Step 5: When they grow, repeat from step 1.
It takes 3 pieces of wood to make four stairs, and when you destroy a stair block you get one piece of wood, so for every 3 pieces of wood, you can turn that into 4 pieces by turning the 3 into 4 stairs and then deleting them.
If you don't know how to fly you should read this you press the button in the middle of the control pad two times and if you want to go higher you should press the top arrow then immediately press the middle you do it down to down if you want to drop you press the middle button two times again this will not work in survival.
Lava seed with water seed and ice
Okay go into minecraft app and create a world. The world name does not matter. For the seed world generator type in "nyan" then start. It'll take a few seconds but wait and its awesome!
Minecraft (Android) Achievements
Achievement | How to unlock
| |
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| - Kill a creeper with arrows
| - Breed a mule from a horse and a donkey
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| - Craft a workbench with four blocks of wooden planks
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| - Kill a mob while wearing the same type of mob head
| - Mine 1,728 Cobblestone and place it in a chest
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| |
| - Throw diamonds at another player
| - Acquire diamonds with your iron tools
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| - Construct an Enchantment Table
| - Use a Hopper to move an item from a Chest Minecart to a Chest
| - Construct a better pickaxe
| - Punch a tree until a block of wood pops out
| - Use Shears to obtain wool from a sheep
| - Construct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks
| - Push a piston with a piston, then pull the original piston with that piston
| - Relieve a Blaze of its rod
| - Construct a Nether Portal
| - Stop starvation using Rotten Flesh
| - Wear a full suit of Iron Armor
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| - Build some bookshelves to improve your enchantment table
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| - Place 9 fully explored, adjacent map items into 9 item frames in a 3 by 3 square
| - Construct one type of each tool
| - Attack and destroy a monster
| - Travel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started
| - Deal nine hearts of damage in a single hit
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| - Craft and place a Flower Pot
| - Gather all 16 colors of wool
| - Smelt wood trunks using charcoal to make more charcoal
| - Breed two cows with wheat
| - Destroy a Ghast with a fireball
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| - Connect 3 Chests to a single Furnace using 3 Hoppers
| - Kill a Skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 meters
| - Swim in lava while having the Fire Resistance effect
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- Taste of Your Own Medicine
| - Poison a witch with a splash potion
| - Bake a cake using: wheat, sugar, milk and eggs
| - Use a cauldron to dye all 4 unique pieces of leather armor
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| - Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe
| - Use planks and sticks to make a sword
| - Bounce 30 blocks upward off a slime block
| - Use a saddle to ride a pig, and then have the pig get hurt from fall damage while riding it
| |
Whenever you hit a block under a gravel or sand block it will not be affected by gravity.
Build your house and then if its wooden make the security 7 blocks away from your house. Next build a trench at least 1-2 blocks deep and 5 blocks wide around your house. Finally fill it with lava.
There is a limited amount of inventory slots in Minecraft PE. Have you ever finally found that coal you'd been searching for only to find you can't pick it up because all of your inventory slots are used by bricks, axes, stairs, etc? There is a way to create over a dozen more slots-- and it's easy to do:
Open Minecraft PE on your device.
Before playing in SURVIVAL mode open up a CREATIVE mode map.
Close the CREATIVE mode map.
Open the SURVIVAL mode map you wish to play: you will see over a dozen empty inventory slots.
You must do this every time you restart the game in SURVIVAL mode or you will lose the inventory in those slots. (NOTE: Today I accidentally hit the "home" button on my phone while playing Minecraft PE and it took me out of Minecraft and directly to my home screen. I simply tapped the Minecraft PE app on my home screen and I was back right where I left off, with all of my inventory in tact. This is because I did not quit the game, my phone merely switched tasks for a moment.)
I am in the habit of opening in CREATIVE mode before playing in SURVIVAL mode: this trick works every time., and all of my inventory is right where it belongs. Happy gaming!
Make a plus with cobble put gold blocks around that. Then put cobblestone on top of the gold. Put a Netherrack core in side the cobblestone. On the top layer put cobblestone on top of the netherrack core. Then not covering the other cobblestones right next to the middle.
To tame a wolf you have to collect bones, which you will get from skeletons. Hover over the wolf until the word 'tame' pops up and click it. It might get angry and you'll lose a bone or two but no worries just keep clicking. Do not hit it! It will attack! When the red collar appeared it's yours and it'll follow you everywhere. Make sure to check if it's sitting or standing or it might not follow you. Get more wolves by taming two adult wolves feeding them and you'll get a baby one. Beware: they follow you everywhere litterly EVERYWHERE!
Pvp survival tactic/strategy
If you play pvp you must cut some trees from the wood craft some ladders dig down on the spot where you spawn and spots around it place the ladders so u can get up or down mine till u hit bedrock go up kill your enemy when he respawn he will fall down in the hole and he will die the whole time use this time to find his house, hideout pick all chest mine everything then make your house put in everything fill the spawn spot hole up with dirt and voila u are winning the pvp, survival.
Remove lava and water easy
OK. So mine craft made the lava bucket water bucket and a bucket which is used to get rid lava and water. In minecraft‚ they created signs which acidentaly blocks lava and water. Cuz its minecraft science. All you need to do is put signs on the lava or water until the lava or water is gone. This method is also used for mine craft elevators.
Replacing chests till they come
Since chests haven't come then. Besides the trick of getting about 12 more slots. If you have any items that can go in furnaces, a lot that take space in your furnace, then do this.Take any room of your house,cave or other. Destroy the floor and replace it with furnaces. You can put items in it, but make sure to only fill one apace per furnace, then otherwise you would be making stuff. It is a way to kinda replace chests till they come, plus it is an awesome floor pattern.
It is probably a glitch but all you need is a painting two gates a big room and a door. Put a painting down until you get a big one. Make room behind the painting don't delete the wall the painting is on. Then delete two blocks behind the painting. Quickly place your gates, and fill the gaps. You now have a secret room.
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