Complete the following tasks to unlock Google Play achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Upgrade your Watch Tower to Lv 5.
| - Expand your Population to 1,000.
| |
| - Upgrade your Watch Tower to Lv 2.
| - Upgrade your Barracks to Lv 5.
| - Increase Tax Revenue to 10,000.
| - Increase Tax Revenue to 1,000.
| - Increase Tax Revenue to 40,000.
| - Train 100 Battering Rams.
| - Expand your Population to 40,000.
| - Upgrade your Castle to Lv. 5.
| - Upgrade your Alchemy Lab to Lv 5.
| - Upgrade your Watch Tower to Lv 10.
| - Upgrade your Barracks to Lv 10.
| - Upgrade your Castle to Lv. 10.
| - Upgrade your Alchemy Lab to Lv 10.
| - Increase Food Production to 25,000.
| - Increase Wood Production to 25,000.
| - Increase Stone Production to 25,000.
| - Increase Ore Production to 25,000.
| - Upgrade your Barracks to Lv 2.
| - Update your Castle to Lv 2.
| - Upgrade your Alchemy Lab to Lv 2.
| - Upgrade Knights' Hall to Lv 5.
| |
| - Expand your Population to 10,000.
| - Upgrade your Wall to Lv 2.
| - Upgrade your Wall to Lv 5.
| - Upgrade your Wall to Lv 10.
| - Defeat a Lv 2 Wilds or Plain.
| - Defeat a Lv 5 Wilds or Plain.
| - Defeat a Lv 10 Wilds or Plain.