Easy "Banging Heads" achievement
Have one pig fall into another pig and pop it.
Easy "Big Spook" achievement
This can be difficult because the range on the green bird's scream which scares the pigs is not that large. Thus you have to use it very close to all six pigs. Start level 2-18 and use your first green bird to knock some of the stone blocks off the top of the largest, middle tower. They must fall in such a way that none of the pigs are killed. Fire your second green at the same location so that it arcs in between the middle tower and the farthest tower. The stones you knocked down with the first shot makes this possible. Immediately before it makes an impact and you are near the two groups of three pigs, make the bird scream.
Easy "Bird Launcher" achievement
Play level 4-30. You will have seven birds to launch. Launch them in rapid succession and pause game play as soon as your last one leaves the slingshot. Restart the level and repeat the process to build your total.
Easy "Bubble Popper" achievement
All bubbles in the game count towards the total, including the ones that contain vegetables, TNT, and pigs. Grind level 1-26 to build your total, as there are nine bubbles to pop and they can all be destroyed with a single well-placed shot.
Easy "Centripetal Force" achievement
A Lagrangian point is the location in space that has gravitational fields acting on it equally in such a way that there is no net force. Simply stated, it is the place where you can shoot the bird and have it get stuck in two overlapping gravitational fields. Play level 1-10 and fire the bird as slowly as possible straight down the middle. A few attempts may be needed to get the speed slow enough and the angle perfect to get it stuck.
Easy "Gravitational Escape" achievement
You must launch one hundred birds out of a planet's atmosphere and have them fly into space. You can either launch the bird from within the atmosphere, or just make it pass through the atmosphere before returning to space. Play level 1-19 and rapidly fire all three birds to the left out of the atmosphere, then restart and repeat the process.
Easy "Icepicker" achievement
Grind level 1-8 to build your total. You get four birds that are made for destroying ice and nearly all ice blocks to break. Tap to split the bird into three before it makes contact to increase your effectiveness. Pause and restart the level to repeat when there are not many ice blocks remaining. You can get at least fifteen blocks destroyed with each attempt of the level, netting about one hundred per minute. Level 1-11 may be better, but you get less splitting birds to work with.
Easy "Menu Popper" achievement
At the main menu with the "Angry Birds Space" text, interactive bubbled pigs will occasionally fly by. Pop one hundred of those bubbles. You do not need to select the frozen pigs again to shatter them.
Easy "Name Popper" achievement
Select the gear icon at the main menu to display the "Options" menu, then select the "I" icon to display the credits. Select every name bubble in the entire credits sequence. You can manually scroll the credits to have them display faster. Note: The small vegetable bubbles can be ignored.
Easy "Pigsicle" achievement
Using the ice bird's explosion to freeze a pig is the only method that will count. Play level 2-23. Fire your first ice bird to the large tower containing fix pigs, arching him through the gravitational fields. Just before he lands, explode the bird to freeze the pigs in that area. Restart the level and repeat the process to build your total.
Easy "Smash Maniac" achievement
Anything that you can destroy counts as a block. The following levels can be used to grind your total. Play level 5-19 and use the three birds you are given to destroy the three large piles of miscellaneous blocks. Hit the bottom pile first, then the top, followed by a shot aimed towards the far right to clean up. You can destroy at least forty blocks per attempt of the level, netting about 150 blocks per minute. You can also try level 4-13 but it is highly variable and trickier to make the necessary shots. The most important part is to hit the trees. They can be completely destroyed with one hit and contain about fifteen blocks each. This level can result in about 80 blocks per attempt.
Easy "Stonecutter" achievement
Stone blocks are grey in appearance. Grind level 1-14 to build your total. Use three bomb birds to explode near the center of the three stone block clusters. You can get at least fifteen blocks destroyed per attempt of the level, netting about one hundred per minute.
Easy "Three Hog Night" achievement
Ice birds are light blue in color and will freeze everything around them when they explode. Play level 2-23. Fire your first ice bird to the large tower containing fix pigs, arching him through the gravitational fields. Just before he lands, explode the bird to freeze the pigs in that area.
Easy "Woodpecker" achievement
Grind level 1-19 to build your total. Fire the fire bomb bird to destroy as many wood blocks as possible. Detonate it when you think you are in the best position. Pause and restart the level after the dust settles on your first shot. You can earn about ten blocks per attempt of the level, netting about one hundred per minute.
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