Attack Of The Giant Referee
Start a regular game and pause it. Then press Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down. Unpause the game, and the referee will be a giant. |
Submitted by SyndishTo disable any codes you've entered, pause the game and press A, X.
Submitted by SyndishPause the game and press R, A, P. |
Submitted by SyndishPause the game and press B, A, B, A, X, B, A, X. Unpause the game, and the players will return to normal size. |
Submitted by SyndishPause the game and press B, L, A, B. |
Submitted by SyndishPause the game and press the Stop (X) button five times. Unpause the game, and the players will be smaller, which makes it harder for the opposing team to tackle your players. |
Submitted by SyndishThe Incredible Shrinking Referee
Pause the game and press Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right. Unpause the game, and the referee will be pint sized. |
Submitted by SyndishMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements