Wildfrost (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
BalloonistWin a Daily Voyage.40
BeastmasterDefeat a Boss without applying Snow to them.30
Berry GoodHave thirty or more Health on a single unit.40
Best FriendsWin a run with your pet as your only active Companion.40
Big HitterDeal fifty damage in a single hit.20
Bigger HitterDeal hundred damage in a single hit.40
CharmlessWin a run without any Charms equipped.40
ClunkmasterWin a run with the Clunkmaster tribe.20
Feed the BeastFeed the Muncher a Consume item.30
Gnome FriendSpare the Naked Gnome.40
GnomebringerWin a run with the Naked Gnome on your team.50
High RollerBuy three Charms from a single shop.30
HoarderHave twelve or more cards in your hand at once.40
IcemasterStack five Block on a single target.40
Lone SurvivorWin a battle with just your Leader remaining.20
Long Live the KingSurvive an attack from King Moko and win the battle.40
MinimalistWin a battle without any cards left in your deck.50
One PunchDefeat the Frost Guardian with a Scrappy Sword.40
RampageStack x10 Frenzy on a single target.40
RitualSacrifice five allies in a single battle.40
ShademancerWin a run with the Shademancer tribe.20
Snowball FightStack fifteen Snow on a single target.30
SnowdwellerWin a run with the Snowdweller tribe.20
SunbringerDefeat the Heart of the Storm.80
Tough NutStack fifty Shell on a single target.30
ToxicStack twenty Shroom on a single target.30
UndefeatedAchieve a three Win Streak.60