Wildermyth: Console Edition (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Hunger, SatedComplete The Sunswallower's Wake Campaign.20
A Lowly Crust of BeefComplete a campaign on Walking Lunch difficulty.40
A Story of HeroesComplete a Generic Campaign (Three or Five chapter)20
All My Birds, Safely HomeAcquire all five plot characters, and have them survive to the end (Eluna and the Moth)40
Another Tale to TellComplete a Legacy Campaign (Three or Five chapter)40
Bears are ScaryKill two enemies simultaneously with Bear Swipes.20
Chain ReactionUse three reaction strikes (guardian/sentinel) in a single turn.20
Completing the LookGet the head and all four limbs for a transformation.60
Core FailureDestroy the Morthagi Cores.20
Cutthroat CompetitorsTrigger Rival ability "Oh yeah? Watch this!" five times in a single fight.20
DaybreakComplete Age of Ulstryx Campaign.20
Echoes DieComplete Monarchs Under the Mountain Campaign.20
EverfadingComplete Eluna and the Moth Campaign.20
Gotta Ca... Must Collect All of ThemCatch All four elemental spirit types.20
GrillmasterHit five enemies simultaneously with a Cone of Fire.20
How RomanticKill ten enemies with an attack that uses Lover's Vengeance.20
In Soil, In SmokeComplete All the Bones of Summer Campaign.20
Into MulchKill three targets in a single use of Witherbolt.20
Legends Never DiePromote a Legacy Hero to the rank of Mythwalker.60
Let Me Get My ChiselComplete a Carved in Stone campaign.40
Lochias's HungerKill an enemy of every monster group with Wolf Bite.20
Me and My FamiliarGet a Pet.10
No Time for ClawmonstersKill Calabyne in one turn.60
Plague DoctorKill three enemies with poison in a single turn.40
Pyrrhic VictoryWin a battle after losing three heroes to either maiming or death.40
SymbiosisRecover 30 health with Harvest or Dread Harvest.20
TempestKill three targets in a single use of Chain Lightning.20
The Cost of HeroismHave a hero withdraw after being maimed.10
The Power of FriendshipHave friendship ability "Got your back!" occur twenty times.20
This Too Shall PassBe defeated in a battle.10
TurncoatAccept the Deepking's offer.20
War EnduredComplete The Enduring War Campaign.20
War-EnderDestroy the last of the Enduring.20
Who's Counting?Kill hundred monsters with a hero.10
Wingknight's ProwessFinish Chapter 3 intro mission without losing any units (All the Bones of Summer)40
World WalkerComplete the five main story campaigns.80