Wife Quest (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Always PreparedBuy a bag and a potion at Ymir's store.50
Better Safe Than SorryBuy all bags at Ymir's store.50
Cute AmazonStart a new journey on magic mode.50
Do You Know What Time It Is, Stinky Witch?Defeat Morganna in Morganna's Castle.50
First Wife QuestComplete the Wife Quest mini-game.50
Gossip GirlFollow all the dialogues between Mia and Ymir.50
Great HeartCollect all great hearts.50
I Lost My FernandoBe defeated in battle against Morganna in the Grasslands.50
Impertinent FlyDefeat Tania in Fairy Forest.50
In Search Of My HubbyBuy all upgrades, weapons, armor and magic stones at Ymir's store.50
Inconvenient DrunkDefeat Red in Deep Caves.50
Insistent BratDefeat Morganna in Grassland.50
Jealous WifeStart a new journey in Wife Quest.50
My Fernando Is Saved!Complete Wife Quest on normal mode.50
Nothing Cold About HerDefeat Fria in Freezing Plains.50
ProfitingBuy all items at Ymir's store.50
Sassy HelperDiscover Morganna's plan at Ymir's store.50
Stupid GeckoDefeat Sily in Hellcano.50
They Will Learn A LessonGet all punishment animations.50
Will My Fernando Like It?Buy the first set of upgrades, sword, armor and magic stone.50