WARRIORS: Abyss (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Annihilating BlowDealt at least 1,500,000 damage in one go with Assemble.70
Bonded SoulsFormed bonds with 10 heroes.10
Champion of WarriorsDefeated a total of 100,000 enemies.70
Company of SoulsFormed bonds with 20 heroes.10
Congregation of SoulsFormed bonds with 30 heroes.10
Constant SetbacksSuffered 20 defeats.10
Crowds of SoulsFormed bonds with 40 heroes.10
Eradicating BlowDealt at least 1,000,000 damage in one go with Assemble.30
Eternal HellSuffered 30 defeats.30
Flickering EmbersAcquired a total of 5,000 Karma Embers.10
Genius StrategistUnlocked 10 Formations.30
Glowing EmbersAcquired a total of 20,000 Karma Embers.10
Gouma's NemesisDefeated Gouma with 5 heroes.30
Guardians of the UnderworldDefeated Gouma with 10 heroes.30
Hell's BankrollerAcquired a total of 40,000 Tears of Blood.10
Hell's BreadwinnerAcquired a total of 10,000 Tears of Blood.10
Hell's PlutocratAcquired a total of 100,000 Tears of Blood.30
King's Right HandDefeated Gouma with 20 heroes.70
Neverending Thorny PathSuffered 10 defeats.10
Overwhelming BlowDealt at least 500,000 damage in one go with Assemble.10
Radiant EmbersAcquired a total of 50,000 Karma Embers.30
Resonating SoulsFormed bonds with 50 heroes.30
Seasoned StrategistUnlocked 5 Formations.10
Skyful of Bright SoulsFormed bonds with 81 heroes.70
Sleep, GoumaDefeated Gouma for the first time.30
Synchronized SoulsFormed bonds with 70 heroes.30
Traversed the Blazing WasteMade it through the Blazing Waste for the first time.10
Traversed the Blood-Stained RealmMade it through the Blood-Stained Realm for the first time.10
Traversed the Desolate ExpanseMade it through the Desolate Expanse for the first time.10
Traversed the Glacial WildsMade it through the Glacial Wilds for the first time.10
Trusted SoulsFormed bonds with 60 heroes.30
Unrivaled HeroUnlocked all achievements.180
Unstoppable WarriorDefeated a total of 50,000 enemies.30
Up-and-Coming StrategistUnlocked 1 Formation.10
Veteran WarriorDefeated a total of 5,000 enemies.10