Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Bracing Hike | Complete Trail of Treachery on Legend. | 40
A Gun to a Swordfight | Kill a Ratling Gunner with your melee weapon. | 20
A Little Something in Your Eye | Legend: Kill 25 enemies dropping cannonball on heads in Fort Brach. | 10
All in the Reflexes | Dodge a Packmaster's hook. | 20
Avatar of Drakira | Reach level 30 with Kerillian. | 30
Blessed by the Father | Legend: One player gets "bathed" by all Nurgle buboes in Festering Ground. | 10
Brewmaster | Create one of each potion. | 10
Cage Breaker | Legend: Rescue all prisoners within sixty seconds on Against the Grain. | 10
Caught in the Act | Shoot a Gutter Runner out of the air. | 20
Champion of Taal | Reach level 30 with Kruber. | 30
Conflagration of Doom | Reach level 30 with Sienna. | 30
Craftsman | Craft an Item. | 10
Empire Resurgent | Complete the following Helmgart level challenges. | 50
Enforced Diet | Kill a Life Leech grabbing an ally before they take damage. | 20
Escaped! | Complete Tutorial. | 10
Evacuation Bell | Legend: Destroy the Screaming Bell and escape in less than 75 seconds. | 10
Exemplar | Unlock all Talent points for one career. | 20
Feed Me, Sinner! | Legend: All stand inside the ritual for 120 seconds in Convocation of Decay. | 10
Firing it Up! | Kill a Warpfire Thrower before he fires. | 20
Forecasting Clear Skies | Kill a Blightstormer while he's conjuring a vortex. | 20
Glutton: Punishment | Legend: Ring the dinner bell and kill the Troll in less than fifteen seconds. | 10
Heirloom | Equip an Exotic Item. | 20
Heldenhammer Time | Legend: Have the statue of Sigmar kill three Chaos Warriors on Righteous Stand. | 10
Just Like Cousin Okri | Reach level 30 with Bardin. | 30
Liar Ahead | Find all the Illusory Walls. | 20
Liberator | Kill a Packmaster abducting an ally. | 20
Make Do And Mend | Salvage hundred items. | 20
Mark of Expertise | Equip a Veteran Item. | 30
Master Craftsman | Craft fifty items. | 20
Master of Convergence | Legend: Line up all three Athel Yenlui leylines within thirty seconds. | 10
More Where They Came From | Legend: Have Skarrik Spinemanglr kill fourty Skaven. | 10
My First Wargear | Equip a Common Item. | 10
No Boom Today | Kill a suiciding Poison Wind Globadier before he explodes. | 20
Norscannihilation | Complete Skittergate on Legend. | 50
Now You're Showing Off | Equip Exotic items in every slot. | 30
Pact-Smasher | Complete Skittergate on Veteran. | 30
Pantheon of Heroes | Reach Level 30 with all characters. | 50
Powder Monkey | Legend: Complete Empire in Flames without using any of the event's barrels. | 10
Quite the Find | Equip a Rare Item. | 10
Reikland Rumble | Complete Act 3. | 20
Return Visit | Find a familiar room... | 30
Ride Together, Die Together | Legend: Kill Deathrattler and then Rasknitt within twenty seconds. | 10
Righteous Crusade | Complete Skittergate on Champion. | 30
Room with a View | Complete Tower of Treachery on Legend. | 40
Shatterer | Break all the Icicles on Trail of Treachery. | 20
Skulls for... Well, that can be our secret | Find all skulls in the Tower of Treachery. | 30
Sleigh-er | Kill fifty enemies with the Sleigh on Trail of Treachery. | 20
Soulsucker Sidestep | Dodge a Life Leech projectile. | 20
Strike | Hit a Strike. | 10
Striking Back | Complete Act 2. | 20
Tempered by War | Unlock 1st Talent point. | 10
The Beacons are Lit | Light all three Beacons on Trail of Treachery. | 30
The Frozen North | Complete Skittergate on Recruit. | 30
The Plot Thickens | Complete Act 1. | 20
Unstable Combustion | Blow up a Warpfire Thrower by shooting them in the power cell. | 20
Unstoppable. Unsteerable | Legend: Have Bödvarr charge into a Chaos Warrior five times. | 10
Virtuoso | Complete a level as every Hero. | 20
Waste Not, Want Not | Salvage an item. | 10
Witch Hunter General | Reach level 30 with Saltzpyre. | 30
You Take Me Up | Legend: Have fifteen enemies be sucked up in one of Halescourge's tornados. | 10