United Assault - Battle of the Bulge (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
CobruEnter Cobru.40
CollectPickup a mission objective.40
DeathGet killed in a mission.40
DestroyDestroy a mission objective.75
EnterBunkerEnter a Bunker in Bunker Buster.75
ExfiltrateExfiltrate out of a mission.100
ExtractBunkerExfiltrate out of a Bunker Buster mission.75
FoyEnter Foy.40
HeadshotKill an enemy with a headshot.75
KillKill an Enemy.40
LongRangeKillAchieve a long range kill.100
MeleeKillKill an enemy with your knife.100
NovilleEnter Noville.40
POWCampEnter the POW Camp.40
RecogneEnter Recogne.40
TrainyardEnter Trainyard.40
V2Enter V2.40