Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A hungry stomach has no ears | Defeat the Gluttonous Feastro. | 5
A pulse grows in the temple | Connect the Shaman in Temple of Motherhood. | 20
And one day will seem like three | Connect the three Dorok sisters. | 30
Avant-gardener | Grow a plant that combines elements from all different plant species. | 50
Beyond the intricate configuration of a mind | Unlock all cortex skills. | 50
Cosmographical Meditations | Uncover every part of every area on the map. | 70
Cutting-edge | Fully upgrade the Extractor. | 50
Encircled by imagination | Give the Host new input to analyze. | 30
Flutters in the thick of trees | Connect the Shaman in Rotten Orchard. | 20
For knowledge is limited | Defeat the parasitical Host. | 5
Full blossom of the evening | Connect at least one of each plant species to the living network. | 50
Ground to a halt | Defeat Higher Suggajof Brunzon. | 5
Hear them sing through the leaves | Connect the Shaman in Gärdner's Garden. | 20
High above, bodies sigh | Connect the Shaman in Pantheon of the Stars. | 20
Humility opens the floodgates | Bring the sword statue to a standstill. | 30
In like a lion, out like a lamb | Feed the Enraged Moth Beast. | 30
Love rules without a sword | Escape Entrance without sword. | 5
Nietzsche taken to heart | Kill an enemy with another enemy. | 5
No trap can hold their whisper | Connect the Shaman in Vasa's Legacy. | 20
Out of darkness is born the light | Take the violent path towards awakening Ultros. | 100
Setting a trap for others | Defeat Vasa, the Huntress. | 5
Strange currents of tender promise drift by | Connect the Shaman in Infinity Lake. | 20
The end is where we start from | Defeat the three Dorok sisters. | 5
The feast of harvest | Gather one specimen of every fruit, ten in total, in one juicy pile. | 50
The flavor of kinship | Feed the Gluttonous Feastro. | 30
The period of the pendulum | Lead plants into the great refinery hall for Brunzon to discover. | 30
The pound of flesh which I demand | Gather one specimen of every critter's non-battered guts, twelve in total, in one juicy pile. | 50
Underneath, spirits tremble | Connect the Shaman in Geggamoja Refinery. | 20
Walking with all the stars within | Take the non-violent path towards awakening Ultros. | 100
Wrath upon the enraged | Defeat the Enraged Moth Beast. | 5
Writer's gratitude | Watch all Vistas. | 70