Ultros (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A hungry stomach has no earsDefeat the Gluttonous Feastro.5
A pulse grows in the templeConnect the Shaman in Temple of Motherhood.20
And one day will seem like threeConnect the three Dorok sisters.30
Avant-gardenerGrow a plant that combines elements from all different plant species.50
Beyond the intricate configuration of a mindUnlock all cortex skills.50
Cosmographical MeditationsUncover every part of every area on the map.70
Cutting-edgeFully upgrade the Extractor.50
Encircled by imaginationGive the Host new input to analyze.30
Flutters in the thick of treesConnect the Shaman in Rotten Orchard.20
For knowledge is limitedDefeat the parasitical Host.5
Full blossom of the eveningConnect at least one of each plant species to the living network.50
Ground to a haltDefeat Higher Suggajof Brunzon.5
Hear them sing through the leavesConnect the Shaman in Gärdner's Garden.20
High above, bodies sighConnect the Shaman in Pantheon of the Stars.20
Humility opens the floodgatesBring the sword statue to a standstill.30
In like a lion, out like a lambFeed the Enraged Moth Beast.30
Love rules without a swordEscape Entrance without sword.5
Nietzsche taken to heartKill an enemy with another enemy.5
No trap can hold their whisperConnect the Shaman in Vasa's Legacy.20
Out of darkness is born the lightTake the violent path towards awakening Ultros.100
Setting a trap for othersDefeat Vasa, the Huntress.5
Strange currents of tender promise drift byConnect the Shaman in Infinity Lake.20
The end is where we start fromDefeat the three Dorok sisters.5
The feast of harvestGather one specimen of every fruit, ten in total, in one juicy pile.50
The flavor of kinshipFeed the Gluttonous Feastro.30
The period of the pendulumLead plants into the great refinery hall for Brunzon to discover.30
The pound of flesh which I demandGather one specimen of every critter's non-battered guts, twelve in total, in one juicy pile.50
Underneath, spirits trembleConnect the Shaman in Geggamoja Refinery.20
Walking with all the stars withinTake the non-violent path towards awakening Ultros.100
Wrath upon the enragedDefeat the Enraged Moth Beast.5
Writer's gratitudeWatch all Vistas.70