Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Army of Darkness | Complete Episode 2. | 30
Better Things To Do | Kill Artifact-Zero in less than a minute. | 15
Buddy, I Think You're Slime | Kill Jazz with toxic slime. | 15
Can I Play, Daddy? | Finish every level on Virgin Blood or higher. | 15
Chenis | Get taunted by Maw at the secret splice terminal in Terminal Eclipse. | 15
Dodge This | Kill up to 25 enemies while in Turbo-Time. | 15
Don't Scratch My Ride | Finish Infestation without taking a hit while driving the car. | 30
Endless Pro 1 | Get beyond wave 20 on Endless on default settings. | 15
Endless Pro 2 | Get beyond wave 40 on Endless on default settings. | 50
Event Horizon | Defeat The Monstrosity. | 15
Fat Wads | Have over 100,000 Zhen in your current account. | 15
Free Your Mind | Stay off the ground for thirty seconds or more. | 15
Fully Evolved | Acquire all augments on a single save slot. | 30
Gotta Go Fast | Complete Vector-4 in under twelve minutes. | 50
Groovy | Get all weapons and upgrades on a single save slot. | 30
Halfpipe | Kill all enemies in the skate arena in Syn by only using your Chainsaw leg. | 15
Hasta La Vista, Baby | Complete Episode 3. | 30
I Will Have My Vengeance | Complete Episode 1. | 30
Ion Furious | Kill fifteen or more enemies with one Ion Blaster beam. | 15
Jimmy Eat You | Get eaten by Jimmy the worm in Outskirts. | 15
Keen Hunter | Find all Tech-Chips and Cassette Tapes. | 30
Kill 'Em All | Get 100% kills on every level. | 30
Mace Windon't | Kill a Rammer with their own Mace. | 15
No Maw | Defeat Maw on Napalm Blitz without taking a single hit or reloading. | 30
No More Games | Destroy the arcade cabinet in Scrapyard. | 15
No More Splicing | Destroy the haunted machine on Sunset Synthetica. | 15
Overkilled | Finish every level on Murder Machine. | 50
Overqualified | Get denied entry to the No Chainsaws club in Battle Alley. | 15
Pacifist, Minus Chainsaws | Finish Exodus without firing your hoverbikes minigun or lasers. | 30
Paradise Pile-up | Kill up to eight enemies with one Waster explosive shot. | 15
Pink Mist | Fire a rocket, grab it with the plasma gun, and kill five or more enemies with it. | 30
Rip and Tear | Defeat Ripper in under five minutes without dying or reloading. | 30
RoboShark | Get eaten by a shark in Emergence. | 15
Rocket Man | Kill ten or more enemies with one Launcher rocket. | 15
Run The Gauntlet | Finish The Wastes on Serve Me Pain or higher without dying or reloading. | 30
Skill Issue | Kill Maw and his minions in the final arena of Night Ride with chainsaws only. | 30
Taking Out The Trash | Finish every level on Street Cleaner or higher. | 30
Total Recall | Finish Turbo Overkill. | 50
Ultra Violence | Finish every level on Serve Me Pain or higher. | 30
You Look Like A Good Joe | Finish every level on Regular Joe or higher. | 20
You're A Disease And I'm The Cure | Defeat the Bounty Hunters. | 15