Train Life - A Railway Simulator (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Fine AdditionOwn a total of 25 non-default locomotive parts.15
Above the LimitComplete a non-tutorial scenario faster than the estimated time.15
Center of AttentionLevel up all cities in the central region to level 3 in a single career.30
City RegularUpgrade a city to level 2.15
CommuterDeliver a total of 3000 units of passengers and postage in a single career as a company.30
Ding!Level up once in a career.15
Early BirdComplete all non-tutorial scenarios faster than the estimated time.75
Engineer's LicenseComplete all tutorial scenarios.15
First UpgradeBuy and equip a new locomotive part.10
JuniorLevel up to Junior rank.15
Kitted OutFully upgrade a locomotive with new parts.15
Lazy SundayHire an Employee Driver in a career.15
Locomotive MagnateEarn a total of ten million in cash in a single career.30
Luxury GoodsDeliver at least one wagon of a Tier 3 good in a career.15
Massive LoadComplete a cargo contract of more than eight wagons in a career or scenario.15
MasterLevel up to the Master rank.30
Mid-levelLevel up to the Mid-level rank.15
New WheelsPurchase a new locomotive in a career.15
Play Smarter, Not HarderDeliver to a city that has an active delivery bonus for what you're delivering (career only)15
Pocket ChangeEarn a total of one million in cash in a single career.20
PrincipalLevel up to the Principal rank.30
Puzzle MasterComplete all Shunting scenarios.15
Railway AficionadoReach level 30.75
Renowned TouristUnlock all stations in a single career.75
SeniorLevel up to the Senior rank.15
Show Me the GoodsDeliver a total of 1500 cargo wagons in a single career as a company.30
Slavic PowerLevel up all cities in the Eastern region to level 3 in a single career.30
Southern HospitalityLevel up all cities in the Southern region to level 3 in a single career.30
Speed DemonComplete a cargo contract with a time bonus of greater than 1.5x (career only)15
SteadfastComplete all Towing scenarios.15
Sunday DriverDrive from a station to a station in a different city without being fined (career or scenario)20
The A-TeamHave three Employees at level 25 in a single career.15
The King in the NorthLevel up all cities in the Northern region to level 3 in a single career.30
The WhaleEarn at least 15000 XP from a single contract or delivery.15
The Wild WestLevel up all cities in the Western region to level 3 in a single career.30
Train GangHave ten Employee Drivers hired and on a task at once in a career.20
UnstoppableComplete all Extreme Cargo scenarios.15
Urban PlannerUpgrade a city to level 3.15
Vice PresidentLevel an Employee Driver to level 25 in a career.15
World DominationLevel up all cities to level 3 in a single career.75