Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Gazillion of Togges | Spreaded 1 million Togges. | 15
Alphabetic | Collected all the Letters. | 80
Baby Dragons | Found all the baby dragons at the Medieval Moon. | 15
Cake Princess | Got the attention of the Cake Princess. | 15
Can you pet the dog? | Petted the dog at the Wind Hills. | 15
Carrot Cake Kingdom | Arrived at the Carrot Cake. | 15
Chocolate Way | Collected all Fruits, Seeds and Letters at the Carrot Cake. | 32
Collect-A-Thon | Collected all the collectibles. | 80
DJ Leo | Completed half of DJ Leo's challenge. | 15
Empress Minister | Beat the Empress Minister of the Voids. | 32
Endless Wall | Arrived at the Endless Wall. | 15
Flag Republic | Collected all Fruits, Seeds and Letters at the Radio Savannah. | 32
Galactic Turquoise | Collected all Fruits, Seeds and Letters at the Medieval Moon. | 32
Get out of here! | Erase 1000 Togges at once with the Rubber. | 15
Harv | Arrived at Harv. | 15
Hungry | Collected all the Fruits. | 80
King President | Met the King President. | 15
King Richard XV | Woke Up King Richard XV. | 15
Kites | Found all the kites at the Wind Hills. | 15
Medieval Moon | Arrived at the Medieval Moon. | 15
Night City | Found all the shells at the Carrot Cake. | 15
Not like this... | Spreaded Togges on top of the OS ship, not inside. | 15
Parkour | Found all the flags at the Radio Savannah. | 15
Phantom Forest | Collected all Fruits, Seeds and Letters at the Harv. | 32
Radio Savannah | Arrived at Radio Savannah. | 15
Roots | Collected all the Seeds. | 80
Scarecrow Baron | Scared away the crows for the Scarecrow Baron. | 15
TOOMBA | Collected a seed using the Ground Stomp. | 15
The Truth | Discovered the truth about the Lord of Doors. | 15
The Unknown | Collected all Fruits, Seeds and Letters at the Endless Wall. | 32
Togge Constellation | Collected all Fruits, Seeds and Letters at the Togge Palace. | 32
Togge Palace | Returned to the Togge Palace. | 15
Togges and Voids | Completed the game and took a picture with the crew! | 32
Valley of the Villains | Collected all Fruits, Seeds and Letters at the Wind Hills. | 32
Very well. Mind you! Well, then... | Found all the Triplets. | 32
What does the fox say? | Found all the Foxes at the Harv. | 15
Wind Hills | Arrived at the Wind Hills. | 15
Wise | Climbed to the top of Harv. | 15