Tetris Forever (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Back to BackGot two Tetris line clears in a row on Electronika 60.60
Clearing ThroughCompleted 100 line clears in a game on Electronika 60.60
Cool Under PressureEarned 40,000 score in a game of Tetris Time Warp 3-Min. Time Attack.80
Electronic HighEarned 4,000 score in a game on Electronika 60.70
Endurance WarperCompleted 100 line clears in a game of Tetris Time Warp, Modern Marathon.80
Four Score and MoreEarned 40,000 score in a game of Tetris Time Warp, Score Attack.80
From Russia With LoveGot a Tetris on Electronika 60.20
Line CutterCompleted 100 line clears in a game of Tetris Time Warp, Score Attack.80
Making Your MarkSet a high score on Electronika 60.60
MarathonerEarned 80,000 score in Tetris Time Warp, Modern Marathon.80
Nick of TimeCompleted 40 line clears a game of Tetris Time Warp, 3-Min. Time Attack.80
Power in Your HandsGot a Tetris in handheld mode in Tetris Time Warp.20
Put a Spin On ItCompleted a T-Spin Triple in Tetris Time Warp.100
Time WarperSuccessfully completed a Time Warp through all the eras from 1984 through 1993.70
Triple ComboGot three consecutive line clears in Tetris Time Warp.60