TactiCats (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Air KittenHit someone with the basketball.25
BUT I'VE PRESSED IT!Survive a catnip.25
Bird of preyLure the eagle to another cat.25
BrutusGet 50 wins in Arena.25
CaesarGet 23 knockdowns in an Arena match.25
ChonkGet 25 knockdowns.25
CimberGet 25 wins in Arena.25
Didn't even touch the waterPush someone in the water with the block bubble.25
FluffyGet 100 knockdowns.25
Furry roadHit a cat with the cheese cannon while riding the roomba.25
Getting StartedGet five wins in FFA.25
Getting the hang of itGet ten wins in FFA.25
GoblinGet 1000 knockdowns.25
Halfway thereGet 25 wins in FFA.25
Help me catch the dot!Get someone caught by the dog with the laserpointer.25
How many times did you try?Win against a hard bot without him getting a score.25
I Want to Break FreeEscape from the box.25
I ain't 'fraid of no cucumberCatch three cats at once with the cucumber.25
Is there an achievement for that?Win on easy bot level in FFA.25
It was an accidentGet someone to be caught up in their own yarn ball.25
It's blue!Get 5 wins in "Cat got your orb?"25
It's green!Get 25 wins in "Cat got your orb?"25
It's meown!Get 50 wins in "Cat got your orb?"25
It's red!Get ten wins in "Cat got your orb?"25
JuliusGet five wins in Arena.25
Just purrfectGet all the other achievements.25
LuciusGet ten wins in Arena.25
Not great... not terribleWin on normal bot level in FFA.25
Now what?Get fifty wins in FFA.25
Powerups are unbalancedWin a 1 vs 3 match in TDM.25
Practice makes it purrfectWin on hard bot level in FFA.25
Purr intensifiesCatch three cats at once with the sonic purr.25
That's a lot of winsGet 25 wins in TDM.25
There's no I in TEAMGet 10 wins in TDM.25
Two headlightsGet someone hit by a car with the block bubble.25
Where did it go?Catch three cats at once with the laserpointer.25
With friends like these...Get 50 wins in TDM.25
YeahGet five knockdowns.25
You didn't even score!Get five wins in TDM.25
You must be fun at partiesHide in a bush for 15 seconds.25