Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Air Kitten | Hit someone with the basketball. | 25
BUT I'VE PRESSED IT! | Survive a catnip. | 25
Bird of prey | Lure the eagle to another cat. | 25
Brutus | Get 50 wins in Arena. | 25
Caesar | Get 23 knockdowns in an Arena match. | 25
Chonk | Get 25 knockdowns. | 25
Cimber | Get 25 wins in Arena. | 25
Didn't even touch the water | Push someone in the water with the block bubble. | 25
Fluffy | Get 100 knockdowns. | 25
Furry road | Hit a cat with the cheese cannon while riding the roomba. | 25
Getting Started | Get five wins in FFA. | 25
Getting the hang of it | Get ten wins in FFA. | 25
Goblin | Get 1000 knockdowns. | 25
Halfway there | Get 25 wins in FFA. | 25
Help me catch the dot! | Get someone caught by the dog with the laserpointer. | 25
How many times did you try? | Win against a hard bot without him getting a score. | 25
I Want to Break Free | Escape from the box. | 25
I ain't 'fraid of no cucumber | Catch three cats at once with the cucumber. | 25
Is there an achievement for that? | Win on easy bot level in FFA. | 25
It was an accident | Get someone to be caught up in their own yarn ball. | 25
It's blue! | Get 5 wins in "Cat got your orb?" | 25
It's green! | Get 25 wins in "Cat got your orb?" | 25
It's meown! | Get 50 wins in "Cat got your orb?" | 25
It's red! | Get ten wins in "Cat got your orb?" | 25
Julius | Get five wins in Arena. | 25
Just purrfect | Get all the other achievements. | 25
Lucius | Get ten wins in Arena. | 25
Not great... not terrible | Win on normal bot level in FFA. | 25
Now what? | Get fifty wins in FFA. | 25
Powerups are unbalanced | Win a 1 vs 3 match in TDM. | 25
Practice makes it purrfect | Win on hard bot level in FFA. | 25
Purr intensifies | Catch three cats at once with the sonic purr. | 25
That's a lot of wins | Get 25 wins in TDM. | 25
There's no I in TEAM | Get 10 wins in TDM. | 25
Two headlights | Get someone hit by a car with the block bubble. | 25
Where did it go? | Catch three cats at once with the laserpointer. | 25
With friends like these... | Get 50 wins in TDM. | 25
Yeah | Get five knockdowns. | 25
You didn't even score! | Get five wins in TDM. | 25
You must be fun at parties | Hide in a bush for 15 seconds. | 25