Sweet Bakery Tycoon (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
100% finished! (DLC 2)Finish 100% of Special Stages! (DLC 2)40
100% finished!Finish 100% of Special Stages!40
33% finished! (DLC 2)Finish 33% of Special Stages! (DLC 2)20
33% finished!Finish 33% of Special Stages!20
66% finished! (DLC 2)Finish 66% of Special Stages! (DLC 2)20
66% finished!Finish 66% of Special Stages!20
A star is born! (DLC 2)Get all stars on special stages! (DLC 2)30
A star is made!Get all stars on special stages!30
AudiophileListen to all tracks.20
Bad luckLose a Level.10
ClownLose four levels in a row.20
Customers were waitingServe 800 clients.40
DandyUpgrade all kitchen decorations.40
DebutantComplete first day.20
DevotedPlay for 180 minutes.50
ExpansionUpgrade your bar.20
FascinatedPlay for sixty minutes.20
FastidiousThrow something away.20
Finish All TutorialsFinish All Tutorials.30
Gold Catcher (DLC 2)Earn 1000 gold in special stages! (DLC 2)20
Gold CatcherEarn 1000 gold in special stages!20
Golden TrophyFinish the game!30
Good CookFinish five levels.20
Great CookFinish fifteen levels.20
InvolvedPlay for ten minutes.20
JokerLose two levels in a row.20
Master ChiefFinish all levels with three stars.50
Outstanding CookFinish thirty levels.20
PantryUpgrade all ingredients.40
PerfectionistFinish two levels without loosing any client.30
PersistentFinish all levels.50
Special Controller (DLC 2)Finish 10 special stages! (DLC 2)20
Special ControllerFinish ten special stages!20
To the leftGet money from right to left.20
To the rightGet money from left to right.20
UnluckyLose six levels in a row.20
WealthCollect 30000 coins.40
Worker of the monthAvoid upsetting any client during a level.10