Achievement | How to unlock | Points
100% finished! (DLC 2) | Finish 100% of Special Stages! (DLC 2) | 40
100% finished! | Finish 100% of Special Stages! | 40
33% finished! (DLC 2) | Finish 33% of Special Stages! (DLC 2) | 20
33% finished! | Finish 33% of Special Stages! | 20
66% finished! (DLC 2) | Finish 66% of Special Stages! (DLC 2) | 20
66% finished! | Finish 66% of Special Stages! | 20
A star is born! (DLC 2) | Get all stars on special stages! (DLC 2) | 30
A star is made! | Get all stars on special stages! | 30
Audiophile | Listen to all tracks. | 20
Bad luck | Lose a Level. | 10
Clown | Lose four levels in a row. | 20
Customers were waiting | Serve 800 clients. | 40
Dandy | Upgrade all kitchen decorations. | 40
Debutant | Complete first day. | 20
Devoted | Play for 180 minutes. | 50
Expansion | Upgrade your bar. | 20
Fascinated | Play for sixty minutes. | 20
Fastidious | Throw something away. | 20
Finish All Tutorials | Finish All Tutorials. | 30
Gold Catcher (DLC 2) | Earn 1000 gold in special stages! (DLC 2) | 20
Gold Catcher | Earn 1000 gold in special stages! | 20
Golden Trophy | Finish the game! | 30
Good Cook | Finish five levels. | 20
Great Cook | Finish fifteen levels. | 20
Involved | Play for ten minutes. | 20
Joker | Lose two levels in a row. | 20
Master Chief | Finish all levels with three stars. | 50
Outstanding Cook | Finish thirty levels. | 20
Pantry | Upgrade all ingredients. | 40
Perfectionist | Finish two levels without loosing any client. | 30
Persistent | Finish all levels. | 50
Special Controller (DLC 2) | Finish 10 special stages! (DLC 2) | 20
Special Controller | Finish ten special stages! | 20
To the left | Get money from right to left. | 20
To the right | Get money from left to right. | 20
Unlucky | Lose six levels in a row. | 20
Wealth | Collect 30000 coins. | 40
Worker of the month | Avoid upsetting any client during a level. | 10