Surviving the Aftermath: Founder's Edition (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Closer LookUse Photo Mode.10
AdventurerComplete one Quest.10
Amped UpHave thirty Energy producers.25
Around the WorldHave Outposts in five different biomes.25
Aspiring InventorUnlock ten Technologies on a single playthrough.10
Beacon of HopeHold a special feast.10
Best friends foreverAlly with a society.30
Big CatastrofanSurvive through fifteen Catastrophes on a single playthrough.25
Big Game HunterKill a Sandworm.10
Biggest CatastrofanSurvive through thirty Catastrophes on a single playthrough.50
Binary world viewHave two societies with maximum and two with minimum reputation at the same time.50
BookwormHave hundred educated colonists simultaneously.25
Bread and CircusesHave a Bakery and five types of Entertainment buildings.25
CatastrofanSurvive through five Catastrophes on a single playthrough.10
Choo-choo!Escape the harsh winter by fixing the train in Cold Rush.50
CleanerRemove the first Pollution Deposit.10
Core of the issueDestroy a Blight Core.50
Customized calamitiesSurvive until day 100 in a custom game with over 250% difficulty.20
Diplomatic quarterHave four embassies built at the same time.50
DiplomatHave a maximum positive reputation with five Societies.25
Doomsday is canceledComplete the Doomsday Bunker Project.50
Dynamic DuoForm the federation with just one society.100
ExplorerReveal one sector.10
Famous AdventurerComplete five Quests.10
Famous ExplorerReveal ten sectors.10
Famous HealerHeal fifty colonists.10
Federation foreverForm the federation.100
Feng ShuiHave fifteen types of Decorations.10
Finders KeepersScavenge fifty World Map locations.25
FinnishedSurvive in the Endless Winter scenario for 100 days.50
First stepGet your first colonists.10
FriendlyEarn 500 Reputation.10
Fun and GamesHave five Game Arcades.25
Great HealerHeal hundred colonists.25
Great LeaderReach a population of 100.25
HealerHeal ten colonists.10
Hero of the WastelandComplete "The Shattered Moon" quest.50
Ice LakesCatch a fish with a Fishing Hut during a Winter Storm.10
It's a Finnish thingBuild a Sauna.10
LeaderReach a population of 20.10
Legendary AdventurerComplete twenty Quests.25
Legendary ExplorerReveal fifteen sectors.10
Local LeaderReach a population of 50.10
Look, no Hands!Have three types of Automated Extractors.10
Luxurious LivingReach a population of 300 and have Houses or Two-story Houses for 300 colonists.50
Mean BossOvertime hundred buildings.25
MentorHave fifty educated colonists simultaneously.10
MerchantTrade 1000 Silver worth of goods to Societies.10
MogulTrade 30 000 Silver worth of goods to Societies.50
New EdenGrow eight types of Crops simultaneously.25
New opportunitiesDiscover a Society.10
Pest ControlKill fourty blighted creatures.50
Post-Apocalyptic ParadiseTerraform the majority of the map.75
Prepared for AnythingStore 100 Clothes and 100 Tools simultaneously.25
Ranch HandHave four types of animals at Ranches simultaneously.25
Real SurvivorSurvive hundred days.25
Really FriendlyEarn 2000 Reputation.10
RebirthComplete "Rebirth" quest.100
Rocket SurgeonUnlock ten Technologies on a single playthrough.25
Sky BurialA corpse decays without being buried.10
Slimy yet SatisfyingHave four types of insects at the Insect Farms simultaneously.25
Spreading InfluenceHave ten Outposts.10
Super-FriendlyEarn 5000 Reputation.25
SurvivorSurvive fifty days.10
Tailored to fitSurvive until day 100 in a custom game.20
The Long HaulA Specialist returns to the Colony with four types of Resources.10
Timber!Cut down hundred Blighted Trees.25
Top NotchHave ten types of upgraded buildings.10
Tower DefenceBuild five Guard Posts.25
TraderTrade 10 000 Silver worth of goods to Societies.25
True SurvivorSurvive 365 days.50
UndercoverComplete all four covert mission types.30
War Never ChangesDefeat ten Bandit camps.25