Super Rolling Heroes Deluxe (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AdventurerReach level 30.70
Collector heroUnlock 100 items from the shop.70
Doing pretty well!Achieve 30 gold medals.70
ExplorerReach level 40.70
Keep it up!Achieve 20 gold medals.70
OutstandingAchieve 40 gold medals.70
PathfinderReach level 60.90
Rolling MasterAchieve 60 gold medals.70
ScoutReach level 50.70
To roll or not to rollAchieve 10 gold medals.70
TravellerReach level 20.70
Trendy heroUnlock 50 items from the shop.70
Welcome to the rollReach level 10.70
You are flyingAchieve 50 gold medals.70