Sugoro Quest: Dice Heroes (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Serious ProblemHave a character get captured in Stage 6.90
Go, Dwarf!Complete any of the first five stages with the Dwarf.30
Go, Elf!Complete any of the first five stages with the Elf.30
Go, Fighter!Complete any of the first five stages with the Fighter.30
Go, Half-Elf!Complete any of the first five stages with the Half-Elf.30
Helped by ArmingLand on an armor space.30
Helped by ScutumLand on a shield space.30
Helped by ValkyrieLand on a weaponry space.15
Lost OceanComplete Stage 3.90
Magic WoodsComplete Stage 4.90
Setting OutComplete Stage 1.90
The Dark Lord HadesComplete Stage 6 and beat the game!100
The Troubled KingComplete Stage 2.90
This Space is Cursed!Land on a cursed space.60
Welcome to Demon WorldComplete Stage 5.90
Who Are You?Reach the castle in Stage 1.15
You May Pass...Use the skull key to pass through the outer circle in Stage 5.90