Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Serious Problem | Have a character get captured in Stage 6. | 90
Go, Dwarf! | Complete any of the first five stages with the Dwarf. | 30
Go, Elf! | Complete any of the first five stages with the Elf. | 30
Go, Fighter! | Complete any of the first five stages with the Fighter. | 30
Go, Half-Elf! | Complete any of the first five stages with the Half-Elf. | 30
Helped by Arming | Land on an armor space. | 30
Helped by Scutum | Land on a shield space. | 30
Helped by Valkyrie | Land on a weaponry space. | 15
Lost Ocean | Complete Stage 3. | 90
Magic Woods | Complete Stage 4. | 90
Setting Out | Complete Stage 1. | 90
The Dark Lord Hades | Complete Stage 6 and beat the game! | 100
The Troubled King | Complete Stage 2. | 90
This Space is Cursed! | Land on a cursed space. | 60
Welcome to Demon World | Complete Stage 5. | 90
Who Are You? | Reach the castle in Stage 1. | 15
You May Pass... | Use the skull key to pass through the outer circle in Stage 5. | 90