Stellar Docks: Deep Space (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Alternative TimelineUse the undo button thirty times.200
Around the Moon in 40 SecondsComplete a Moon level in under fourty seconds.30
Bold ExplorerCompleted a level in under fourty seconds without using undo.30
Calculation ErrorUsed the undo button twentyfive times.40
Drones in MotionPushed five drones.30
Efficient DelivererDelivered ten drones to their recharge docks.20
Fast ExplorerCompleted a Mars level in under one minute.30
First AnchoringDeliver the first drone to the recharge dock.10
Gravitational ForcePushed a total of fifteen drones.90
Intense TrafficDeliver fifty drones to their recharge docks.200
Intergalactic ExpeditionComplete ten levels without using undo.200
No Way HomeComplete a level without using undo or restart.20
Perfect NavigationCompleted five levels without restarting.90
Precise PilotCompleted five levels without using undo.90
Prince of MarsReached level 21.90
Protocol RebootUse undo for the first time.50
Quick RechargeComplete a level in under twenty seconds.20
Recharge CommanderDelivered thirty drones to their recharge docks.40
Recharge is a MustDelivered twenty drones to their recharge docks.30
Restarting the JourneyUsed restart five times.90
Rookie ExplorerCompleted five levels.20
Space PlanningStay idle for more than five seconds.20
Starting WorkPushed your first drone.20
Supreme ComanderPush a total of twentyfive drones.200
System FailureUse restart for the first time.30
The Eagle landedReach level 11.50
The Great RestartUse the restart button twentyfive times.200
To Infinity and BeyondCompleted fifteen levels.40
Trajectory AdjustmentUse undo five times.20