Starward Rogue (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
An Entourage Befitting A HydralHave five familiars at once.15
Clear All Condemned BossesBeat each condemned boss.25
Conspicuous NonconsumptionComplete a run without buying any items.20
Do You Actually Have Any Cheese?Kill a shopkeeper.15
Find All ItemsActually find (pick up) every single item.15
Incredibility: ConfidencePick up the Incredibility Confidence on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: Consummate ConsumerPick up the Incredibility Consummate Consumer on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: Corrupting PowerPick up the Incredibility Corrupting Power on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: High SpeedPick up the Incredibility High Speed Danger on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: JaywalkerPick up the Incredibility Jaywalker on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: Life HarvesterPick up the Incredibility Life Harvester on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: LilliputianPick up the Incredibility Lilliputians on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: Magnetic PersonalityPick up the Incredibility Magnetic Personality on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: MinimalistPick up the Incredibility Minimalist on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: Risky AssasPick up the Incredibility Risky Assassin on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: The CreatorPick up the Incredibility The Creator on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Incredibility: The OnePick up the Incredibility The One on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.15
Kill Final Boss With All MechsKill the "final" boss with each of the original six mechs.15
Kill Final Boss With Alpha MechKill the "final" boss while using the Alpha mech.15
Kill Final Boss With Deep Blue MechKill the "final" boss while using the Deep Blue mech.15
Kill Final Boss With Flame Tank MechKill the "final" boss while using the Flame Tank mech.15
Kill Final Boss With Green Envy MechKill the "final" boss while using the Green Envy mech.15
Kill Final Boss With Humble MechKill the "final" boss while using the Humble mech.15
Kill Final Boss With Indigo Dipole MechKill the "final" boss while using the Indigo Dipole mech.15
Kill Final Boss With Penumbra MechKill the "final" boss while using the Penumbra mech.15
Kill Final Boss With Redshift MechKill the "final" boss while using the Redshift mech.15
Kill Final Boss With White Gloss MechKill the "final" boss while using the White Gloss mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With All MechsKill the "real" final boss with each of the original six mechs.25
Kill Super-Final Boss With Alpha MechKill the "real" final boss with the Alpha mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With Deep Blue MechKill the "real" final boss with the Deep Blue mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With Flame Tank MechKill the "real" final boss with the Flame Tank mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With Green Envy MechKill the "real" final boss with the Green Envy mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With Humble MechKill the "real" final boss with the Humble mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With Indigo Dipole MecKill the "real" final boss with the Indigo Dipole mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With Penumbra MechKill the "real" final boss with the Penumbra mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With Redshift MechKill the "real" final boss with the Redshift mech.15
Kill Super-Final Boss With White Gloss MechKill the "real" final boss with the White Gloss mech.15
NoncommittalComplete a run without picking up any attachment items.20
Perfect Clear: AberrationBeat the boss "Aberration" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: AggressorBeat the boss "Aggressor" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: All BossesBeat each base game boss with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.20
Perfect Clear: All Mini BossesBeat each miniboss with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: BackfireBeat the boss "Backfire" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: BattleswarmBeat the boss "Battleswarm" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: CentrifugeBeat the boss "Centrifuge" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: Crystal MotherBeat the boss "Crystal Mother" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: FusilladeBeat the boss "Fusillade" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: InvaderBeat the boss "Invader" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: LabyrinthBeat the boss "Labyrinth" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: LadyStaccatoBeat the boss "LadyStaccato" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: Metal LegionBeat the boss "Metal Legion" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: MirrorBeat the boss "Mirror" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: PeripheryBeat the boss "Periphery" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: ShrapnelRoseBeat the boss "ShrapnelRose" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: SunderBeat the boss "Sunder" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: TerminusBeat the boss "Terminus" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: The HumbledBeat the boss "The Humbled" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: The WardenBeat the boss "The Warden" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: ValorBeat the boss "Valor" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: VestigeBeat the boss "Vestige" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
Perfect Clear: WallMasterBeat the boss "WallMaster" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.15
SafariKill at least one of each non-boss enemy.15
Unlock All ItemsSatisfy the unlock conditions for all items.15
UntouchableComplete a floor with no damage.20