Spacebase Startopia (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
180 bpmCompleted the mission "Nightlife" in less than 25 minutes.50
90,000 VoltsCompleted the mission "The Thunderdome".20
A Heart for RobotsCompleted the mission "The Thunderdome" without having lost a single Mech.50
Beat the limited FuzzyCompleted the "Garbage Empire" mission in under fifteen minutes.50
Disease ControlCompleted the mission "Viral Vegetation".20
Escape from AlcatrazCompleted the mission "The Prison Planet".20
Faster Than LightningTook out an enemy within the first thirty minutes in the mission "Might Makes Right".50
Giddy in the GarbageEarned 222 positive ratings in the "Garbage Empire" mission.30
Good MoodKept Satisfaction above 85% for ten minutes in the mission "Might Makes Right".30
Inner PeaceCompleted "A Spiritual Journey" without more than ten Aliens leaving the Station angry.50
Market EconomyCompleted the mission "Market Economy".20
Mass ProductionSold thirty Goods to a single Trader in the mission "Market Economy".50
Moral CompassCompleted the "Market Economy" mission without selling Toxic Waste to Traders.30
Muzzle the MafiaMission "The Prison Planet" completed without any Criminals leaving the Station.50
My Precious!Completed the "System Crash" mission without the Energy Core falling below 50%.30
Nightclub OwnerEarned 25000 Energy in the mission "Nightlife".30
No CasualtiesCompleted the mission "The First Contact" without losing a single Mech Unit.50
Not Exactly WeakCompleted the mission "Might Makes Right".20
Party FeverCompleted the mission "Nightlife".20
PharmacistProduced ten C.R.A.T.E.s of medicine in the "Viral Vegetation" mission.30
Radical ResearcherExpanded ten different Research projects in the mission "The First Contact".30
Robo FactoryBuilt three Mechs in the mission "The Thunderdome".30
Robo TerminatorDestroyed all of the Robot Factories in the "System Crash" mission within sixty minutes.50
Successful ContactCompleted the mission "The First Contact".20
System CrashCompleted the mission "System Crash".20
TempleBuilt two Temples on the Bio Deck in the mission "A Spiritual Journey".30
The Protecting HandCompleted "Viral Vegetation" without an Alien's health falling below 15%.50
Top CopArrested ten criminals within fifteen minutes in the mission "The Prison Planet".30
TranscendentalityCompleted the mission "A Spiritual Journey".20
Victory over the GarbageCompleted the mission "Garbage Empire".20