Sol Dorado Heist (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A blunt questionYou are, aren't you?50
But...I can't forgive myself.50
Conversation with Mr. RolandWell, ask away, young lady.50
Gathering evidenceI'm like a secret agent!50
I love performing!I love making people laugh!50
Intriguing announcementI've got a surprise for everybody!50
It can't be himYou know his secrets!?50
Life is a showAnd we all must play our parts!50
Meet BennieLady Luck finally smiles upon me!50
Meet DrakeExcuse me, Miss Alex Thorn?50
Meet RebeccaI'm the owner of the Sol Dorado casino.50
MortimerHe works for my boss.50
Mysterious Man?I do like magic.50
Old friends...So YOU did that!50
One way or another...That's the end of the story!100
Police stationNothing caught your attention?50
Royal Flush HotelChapter 1.50
The masks are offYou're under arrest!50
What a show!Now, make your dreams come true!50