Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A blunt question | You are, aren't you? | 50
But... | I can't forgive myself. | 50
Conversation with Mr. Roland | Well, ask away, young lady. | 50
Gathering evidence | I'm like a secret agent! | 50
I love performing! | I love making people laugh! | 50
Intriguing announcement | I've got a surprise for everybody! | 50
It can't be him | You know his secrets!? | 50
Life is a show | And we all must play our parts! | 50
Meet Bennie | Lady Luck finally smiles upon me! | 50
Meet Drake | Excuse me, Miss Alex Thorn? | 50
Meet Rebecca | I'm the owner of the Sol Dorado casino. | 50
Mortimer | He works for my boss. | 50
Mysterious Man? | I do like magic. | 50
Old friends... | So YOU did that! | 50
One way or another... | That's the end of the story! | 100
Police station | Nothing caught your attention? | 50
Royal Flush Hotel | Chapter 1. | 50
The masks are off | You're under arrest! | 50
What a show! | Now, make your dreams come true! | 50