Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Advanced Destruction | Destroy fifteen floors in total. | 50
Back and forth | Perform a total of 20 actions in a level. | 20
Bang Bang | Make a car crash into another. | 30
Beginner Destruction | Destroy five floors in total. | 20
Ctrl + Z | Use undo for the first time. | 100
Duty calls | Complete all levels in the Military Base. | 200
Explosive car | Make a car explode by passing through fire. | 100
In the middle of the city | Complete level 5. | 25
Intermediate Destruction | Destroy ten floors in total. | 30
Just in time | Complete a level in thirty to fourty seconds. | 50
Major offense | Throw a car into a crater. | 25
Monster Soldier | Complete level 15. | 50
One is not enough | Destroy your first building. | 20
Professional | Beat a level in the Military Base without using undo. | 200
Stop the count! | Restart a map for the first time. | 25
Supreme Destruction | Destroy twenty floors in total. | 200
The big dream | Complete all levels in the Big City. | 200
Three is too much | Destroy a three-story building. | 100
To err is not only human | Use undo 25 times. | 200
True Monster | Destroy twentyfive floors in total. | 200
Two is good | Destroy a two-story building. | 30
Unrestrained destruction | Destroy three buildings in the same level. | 25
Wiping out the green | Destroy a completely green three-story building. | 25
Wiping out the red | Destroy a completely red three-story building. | 50
Wiping out the yellow | Destroy a completely yellow two-story building. | 25