Smells Like a Mushroom (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
All three Secrets of Jupiter Combined!All Jupiter secrets revealed! Mission accomplished!25
All three Secrets of Mars Combined!All of Mars' secrets unlocked! Ultimate achievement!25
All three Secrets of Neptune Combined!Neptune secrets fully revealed! Mission accomplished!25
All three Secrets of Saturn Combined!All Saturn secrets revealed! Mission complete!25
All three Secrets of Sun Combined!All Sun secrets revealed! Ultimate achievement!25
All three Secrets of Uranus Combined!Uranus mysteries fully unlocked! Well done!25
All three Secrets of Venus Combined!Venus secrets fully uncovered! Triumph achieved!25
Find Helmet MummyMummy helmet unearthed! Ancient powers unlocked!25
Find Helmet MushroomMushroom helmet acquired! Magic at your command!25
Find Helmet NinjaNinja helmet obtained! Stealth mode activated!25
Find Helmet RamboRambo helmet discovered! Legendary look equipped!25
Find Helmet SpiderSpider helmet acquired! Agility enhanced!25
Find Suit CommandoCommando suit acquired! Powerful style unlocked!25
Find Suit MummyMummy suit unearthed! Ancient power unlocked!25
Find Suit NakedNaked suit unlocked! Bold choice made!25
Find Suit PigamePigame suit found! Unique attire unlocked!25
First Super Secret on JupiterFirst of Jupiter's secrets unlocked! A true find!20
First Super Secret on MarsFirst of Mars' hidden secrets uncovered! A new mystery solved!20
First Super Secret on NeptuneFirst of Neptune's secrets discovered! Impressive!20
First Super Secret on SaturnFirst Saturn secret uncovered! Outstanding!20
First Super Secret on SunFirst Sun secret discovered! Well done!20
First Super Secret on UranusFirst secret of Uranus revealed! Great start!20
First Super Secret on VenusFirst Venus secret found! Amazing discovery!20
Jupiter MissionJupiter mission conquered! Well done!20
Mars MissionMission on Mars completed!20
Neptune MissionMission to Neptune successfully completed! Great job!20
Saturn MissionAll Saturn challenges conquered! Excellent work!20
Second Super Secret of JupiterAnother mystery of Jupiter uncovered! Keep going!20
Second Super Secret of MarsAnother secret of Mars revealed! Keep going!20
Second Super Secret of NeptuneAnother mystery of Neptune uncovered! Keep going!20
Second Super Secret of SaturnAnother mystery of Saturn unlocked! Keep it up!20
Second Super Secret of SunAnother Sun mystery unlocked! Keep it going!20
Second Super Secret of UranusAnother Uranus secret uncovered! Good progress!20
Second Super Secret of VenusAnother Venus mystery unlocked! Keep going!20
Sun MissionUltimate mission to the Sun completed! Triumph achieved!60
Third Super Secret of JupiterThe third mystery of Jupiter revealed! Impressive!20
Third Super Secret of MarsThe third mystery of Mars discovered! Great discovery!20
Third Super Secret of NeptuneThird Neptune secret unlocked! Excellent work!20
Third Super Secret of SaturnThird Saturn mystery discovered! Fantastic!20
Third Super Secret of SunThird Sun mystery uncovered! Excellent!20
Third Super Secret of UranusThird Uranus secret unveiled! Remarkable!20
Third Super Secret of VenusThird Venus secret revealed! Great job!20
Uranus MissionObstacles on Uranus overcome! Mission complete!20
Venus MissionMysteries of Venus explored! Mission accomplished!20