Skeletal Avenger (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
ArsenalFind all item types.40
Baby StepsComplete the tutorial.10
Coin OperatorCollect a 100,000 coins.40
DasherComplete a quest using only dash.80
DeanimationKill Sorcerer's Castle boss.50
DeathblowKill eight enemies with a single primary attack hit.50
DeflectorKill 50 enemies with deflected projectiles.30
Doom SkullKill eight enemies with a single skull throw.60
EvaderComplete a quest without taking any damage.80
Fifty QuestsComplete fifty quests.40
HeadwayComplete a quest without using your weapon.60
JewellerFind all trinkets.30
Master of DungeonKill Dungeon boss.20
New Game++Start New Game Plus.100
Perk TesterTry out every kind of perk.50
Perk UpCollect ten perks for a single avenger.20
Pest ControlKill Dark Caverns boss.40
RampageKill 25 enemies within 10 seconds.50
Sewage TreatementKill Sewer boss.30
Swift JusticeComplete a revenge in 150 seconds.80
TrapperHave 100 enemies killed by environment hazards.40