SHINRAI - Broken Beyond Despair (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Foxily Ever AfterFinished the Epilogue.90
I Think We're Back In Business!Finished Chapter 2.15
Just In TimeSaved Kotoba.90
Notorious Note-TakerCompleted the Notebook.90
Prolific ProfilerUnlocked all optional Ex Pages.90
Secret ManeuversViewed Extra Scene A.40
So Close Yet So FarReached a Bad End.90
Tenacious Trivia NutUnlocked all optional Trivia Entries.90
The Fun Has Just BegunFinished Chapter 1.15
There Is Only One TruthFinished Chapter 5.90
Toward The ClimaxFinished Chapter 4.15
Ultimate DetectiveCleared the game with a 100% Detective Rank.90
Unlimited Guess WorksCleared the game with a 0% Detective Rank.90
UnmaskedViewed Kamen's Diary Entry B.90
Unsettling SuspicionsFinished Chapter 3.15