Sclash (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
100 liters of bloodKill hundred opponents.25
A Dear FriendMeet with Akiko again...10
A Malicious WorshipSlay a fox general.10
A complete fighterWith a round by using all the mechanics successfully.25
A fast samuraiComplete the "Time attack" challenge of the story mode.15
A loving relationshipStart the game fifty times.15
A worthy opponentWin twenty online duels.25
Amaterasu thiefWin against Amaterasu with his own weapon and mask.25
AmaterasuDefeat Amaterasu in the final chapter of the story mode.25
Astral samuraiComplete the "One life" challenge of the story mode will all difficulty modifiers on.40
Baby stepsWin one online duel.10
Back stabKill an opponent from behind.15
Beckon the moonStart the game on a spooky day.10
ChampionWin fifty online duels.25
Crushing defeatLose with a score of zero.15
Crushing victoryWin an online duel with the opponent's score being 0.25
ExiledComplete the second chapter of the story mode.15
FestiveWin a fight on a festive day.10
FratricidalDefeat ten samurais of the Aki clan.15
I don't even need to drawWin a round with a single action.15
Izanagi thiefWin against Izanagi with his own weapon and mask.25
IzanagiDefeat Izanagi in the story mode.25
Jinmu thiefWin against Jinmu with their own weapon and mask.25
JinmuDefeat Jinmu in the story mode.25
Mad dummyGet hit by the training dummies ten times in a row.10
Meeting an old masterComplete the third chapter of the story mode.15
Meeting new samuraisPlay ten online duels.15
Newfound powerComplete the fourth chapter of the story mode.15
Not even scratchedWin ten online duels in a row without dying once.25
Not learning your lessonGet parried ten times in a row in a round without landing a strike.10
OpportunistKill an opponent who is out of stamina.15
Parry masterParry five attacks in a row in a single round without being hit or parry break in between.15
Perfect parryTrigger your parry at the very last moment to counter an attack.10
PlatinumUnlock all the achievements.10
Playing with your foodPlay a round that lasts five minutes.15
Really not getting itGet parried twenty times in a row in a round without landing a strike.25
Ridiculously learn the consequencesPathetically try to parry a fully charged attack.10
Rising samuraiWin five online duels.15
Samurais of the MountainsEnjoy your stay with the Fuyu clan.10
SpookyWin a fight on a spooky day.10
Surviving the chaosComplete the "Fire wall" challenge of the story mode.25
Susanoo thiefWin against Susanoo with her own weapon and mask.25
SusanooDefeat Susanoo in the final chapter of the story mode.25
Ten liters of foreign bloodDefeat ten samurais of the Natsu clan.15
That was VERY closeKill your opponent with your last stamina bar while they're attacking you with their 1st one.25
That was closeKnock back an opponent about to hit you while you are out of stamina.15
The beginning of your journeyStart the story mode.15
The best of the bestWin 100 online duels.40
The end of your journeyComplete the story mode.15
The longest of battlesFinish a fight that lasted for more than 10 minutes.25
Training completeComplete the first chapter of the story mode.15
Ultimate fighterComplete the "One life" challenge of the story mode.25
Vandalism 2Destroy 100 destructible objects in total.15
VandalismDestroy all the things that can be destroyed on a stage during a duel.15
Welcome to SclashBeat an opponent in one hit.10