Romancelvania (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Ain't Talkin' Bout LoveInvited VH on a special date.20
All Along The ShoreInvited Brocifer on a special date.20
Angelic NemesisYour rival joined the cast.10
BodybuildingInvited Robert on a special date.20
Bottoms Up!Bought six drinks.20
Bow DownDefeated the Flying Spaghetti Monster.10
Brooding VampsInvited Sol on a special date.20
Cosmic CutieInvited Lulu on a special date.20
Crack-a-lacka!Shattered at least one crystal of every type.5
Cursed GenieVess joined the cast.10
Dinner for ThreeWent on three dinner dates.10
Double DatesCompleted two special dates.50
Double DigitsDrac reached level 10.10
Double Double DigitsOne cast member has reached level 10.10
Drinking ProblemFed on all the Production Assistants.25
DualityCompleted the game as Male and Female Drac.100
Dying of LoveDefeated The Phantom.10
Elder GodLulu joined the cast.10
Ex HottieMedusa joined the cast.10
Ex No MoreInvited Medusa on a special date.20
Fancy ManwolfFenton joined the cast.10
FlamesEvery cast member has joined.20
Golden HourUnlocked everything.100
Howling Good TimeInvited Fenton on a special date.20
Hurts So GoodInvited Ilessa on a special date.20
Into the MysticInvited Nefret on a special date.20
Jersey DevilBrocifer joined the cast.10
Just a TasteFed on first Production Assistant.5
Know It AllOutwitted the fat dragon.10
Krampus 64Gave one perfect gift.20
Krampus' RevengeGave fifty gifts.25
KrampusGave five gifts.5
Moving OnDrac got back in the game.100
Packing HeatDefeated The Glocktopuss.10
Part of Your WorldInvited Leira on a special date.20
Pieces of FlairUnlocked every Flair.15
Pumpkin PieInvited P.S. Elle on a special date.20
Raging SuccubusIlessa joined the cast.10
Seductive RivalSol joined the cast.10
Siren EmpressLeira joined the cast.10
Smashing PumpkinksDefeated Pumpkink.10
Switch WitchP.S. Elle joined the cast.10
The BATchelorBeen on 13 types of dates.30
The Dead PirateRobert joined the cast.10
Three SumMet the first three cast members.5
Toy SoldierSmashed three of the rides in the mall.5
TricksterTried every Trick.20
Unhuman ResourcesDefeated Dick.10
Wish GrantedInvited Vess on a special date.20
Yummy MummyNefret joined the cast.10