Rick Henderson (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AdeptKill 1000 enemies.30
AmateurKill 750 enemies.30
Boss DestroyerKill twelve bosses.30
Boss HunterKill three bosses.30
Boss KillerKill six bosses.30
Burn The SpaceEnter meteor storm three times.30
CaptainAttain captain rank.30
ColonelAttain colonel rank.100
CorporalAttain corporal rank.30
Gem CollectorCollect 25 gems.30
Gem HoarderCollect 100 gems.30
Gem ProspectorCollect 50 gems.30
Gem StockpilerCollect 75 gems.30
HarmlessKill hundred enemies.30
I Like RocksEnter asteroid field three times.30
Laser DanceEnter laser barrage three times.30
LieutenantAttain lieutenant rank.30
LooperFinish a loop.60
MajorAttain major rank.60
MinesweeperEnter minefield three times.30
Mostly HarmlessKill 250 enemies.30
NoviceKill 500 enemies.30
PrivateAttain private rank.30
Rank CollectorCollect hundred ranks.60
SergeantAttain sergeant rank.30
SkilledKill 2500 enemies.30
Space PirateKill hundred transports.30
The DragonCollect 150 gems.30