Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Behind the Scenes | Looked where you don't need to. | 80
Childhood dream | Collected seven astronaut toys. | 80
Curious | Followed the map. | 50
Elusive | Wasn't caught. | 80
Everything is predetermined | Finished the game with a bad ending. | 80
Fashion model | Found your photos. | 80
Hooligan | Turned off the neighbors' lights. | 80
Hugs | Got caught by the enemy. | 25
Midnight | Waited for a certain time. | 80
Neat | Removed blots. | 50
Neighbour | Looked at your neighbor at the right time. | 50
Not everything is so clear | Finished the game with a good ending. | 110
Paints | Solved the puzzle in the location with paints. | 25
Sketch | Solved the puzzle at the sketch location. | 80
Torch | Solved the puzzle in the location with torches. | 50