Reel Fishing: Days of Summer (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
1,000 Fishing PointsAchieve earning total of 1,000 Points.20
5,000 Fishing PointsAchieve earning total of 5,000 Points.30
Angler KingSee the true ending.50
Aquarium ExpertRelease 5 fish.20
Aquarium KingRelease all fish.50
Aquarium MasterRelease 15 fish.30
Big Fish AnglerCatch a fish 50 cm or bigger.20
Big Fish KingCatch a fish 200 cm or bigger.50
Big Fish MasterCatch a fish 100 cm or bigger.30
Bronze AnglerCatch 20 fish.20
Bronze ChefMake three different kinds of dishes.20
Bronze FishermanCatch ten different kinds of fish.20
Challenge MasterComplete all Challenge Quests.30
First HitGet your first hit.20
Gold AnglerCatch 100 fish.50
Gold ChefMake all dishes.50
Gold FishermanCatch all kinds of fish except the White Sturgeon.50
Lure CompleteMake all lures.30
Platinum AnglerUnlock all achievements.80
Quest ExpertComplete Quests 1 through 5.20
Quest KingComplete all Quests.50
Quest MasterComplete Quests 6 through 12.30
Reel CompleteMake all reels.30
Rod CompleteMake all rods.30
Silver AnglerCatch 50 fish.30
Silver ChefMake six different kinds of dishes.30
Silver FishermanCatch 20 different kinds of fish.30
Subquest MasterComplete all Subquests.30
Tackle KingMake all tackle.50