Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Fungus Among Us | Complete Lili's Request. | 15
Associate Intern | Achieve Rank 2. | 15
Core Strength | Combine PSI Cards with a PSI Core at the Otto-Matic. | 15
Dance, Baby, Dance | Complete Queepie Quest. | 15
Duck, Duck, Goose | Find the real Panic Attack during his Phantom attack. | 15
Extra Credit | Upgrade your first Badge. | 15
Family is in Tents | Help Dion Setup Aquatodome. | 15
Figheaded | Find all Figments. | 30
Fine Tuning | Tune in to a Stray Thought. | 15
Fluff Nutter | Max out your Dream Fluff capacity. | 15
Forgot My Keys | Revisit a brain through the Collective Unconscious. | 15
Good Vibes Only | Complete Gisu's Psychoseismometer Quest. | 15
Hiccup in the Giddyup | Recover your mental energy with a Dream Fluff. | 15
Home Run | Find the Family Camp. | 15
I'm always here for you, darling! | Talk to Milla in her Office. | 15
Junior Intern | Achieve Rank 10. | 15
Keep Your Shirt On | Scavenge all MISSION CRITICAL PSYCHONAUTS ASSETS. | 30
King of Pop | Max out your PSI Pop capacity. | 15
Kingpin | Purchase all Pins. | 30
Making Peace | Return to where it all started. | 15
Nest Egg | Completely fill your Astral Wallet. | 15
Objection! | Throw a Judge's gavel back at him. | 15
PSI Roller | Upgrade to the Astral Wallet. | 15
Pin Drop | Equip your first Pin. | 15
Pinhead | Equip 3 Pins at once. | 15
Power Play | Fully upgrade a Badge. | 15
Principal Intern | Achieve Rank 100. | 30
Pyromania | Pyro 3 enemies at once. | 15
Safecracker | Crack all Vaults. | 30
Senior Intern | Achieve Rank 50. | 15
Shared Regret | Throw a Regret's anvil at another enemy. | 15
Shutterbug | Take a photo with the Otto Shot. | 15
TK-O | TK throw an object to stun an enemy. | 15
Take a Lickin' | Consume a PSI Pop to restore some mental energy. | 15
Unlimited Power! | Acquire all Upgrades. | 15
You Otto be in Pictures | Purchase all Otto Shot Filters. | 15
You're it! | Tag all Emotional Baggage. | 30