Achievement | How to unlock | Points
All Hands on Deck | Complete the Fishing Boat decks and steps first. | 10
As It Was Foretold... | Complete Career Mode. | 100
Best Buds | Ride around the Ferris Wheel with a gnome. | 20
Big Business | Earn hundred Stars in Career Mode. | 30
Blast from the Past | In the Subway Platform, complete the advertising boards first. | 10
Bucket List | At the Ancient Statue, knock over four buckets. | 10
Coconut Dodge | At the Fairground, knock over all of the coconuts. | 10
Delaying the Inevitable | In the Washroom, complete the toilets last. | 30
Delicate Excavation | Completely clean the Ancient Monument using only the white nozzle. | 30
Fashionista | Equip a new outfit, gloves and washer modification at the same time. | 10
First Steps | In the Backyard, complete all twelve stepping stones first. | 10
Fully Equipped | Own the Prime Vista 1500 and three of its attachments. | 10
Gnome Sweet Gnome | In the Temple, ensure the gnome is on the tower roof once the job is complete. | 30
Going for Gold | Get one gold medal in Challenge Mode. | 20
Gold Standard | Get five gold medals in Challenge Mode. | 50
Good Dings to Come | Clean 95% of any job without completing any tasks. | 100
Gutted | Complete the Bungalow gutters last. | 30
Head First | Complete the Drill head and tip first. | 10
Heavy Hitter | Own the Prime Vista 3000 and five of its attachments. | 30
I Can See Clearly Now | Complete the Fire Truck windows, windscreen and wing mirrors first. | 10
Impeccable Balance | Stand on the Penny Farthing for ten seconds. | 10
Lantern Hunter | In the Treehouse, complete all of the lanterns first. | 10
Live by the Blade | Complete the Fire Helicopter blades first. | 10
Merrily Go Round | Completely clean the Carousel without turning it off. | 50
Pave the Way | In the Detached House, complete the Pathway, Driveway and Driveway Edges first. | 10
Powerful Pressure Purist | Completely clean the Van using only the red nozzle. | 30
Raking It In | Earn fifty Stars Career Mode. | 20
Shine Bright | On the Helter Skelter, complete the objects that have lightbulbs before anything else. | 10
Soap Connoisseur | Own all cleaning liquids at the same time. | 10
Sole Task | Complete the sole of the Shoe House last. | 30
Specialist | Complete a Special Job. | 30
Starting Out | Earn five Stars in Career Mode. | 10
StegoScore | In the Playground, roll the football up the stegoslide. | 10
Super Star | Earn 150 Stars in Career Mode. | 50
Suspicious Modifications | Complete the Private Jet laser and anti-gravity parts first. | 10
Tall Order | Completely clean the Fire Station job without standing on the scaffolding. | 50
Tyresome | Complete the Monster Truck tyres first. | 10
Unlimited Powerwash | Own the Prime Vista PRO and six of its attachments. | 50
Urban Xpert | Own the UrbanX U2 and four of its attachments. | 20
Watermelon Shot | In the Skatepark, push the ball out of the bowl. | 10