Achievement | How to unlock | Points
And Here is the Native Home | Reach the twelfth milestone. | 100
Higher and Higher | Reach the fourth milestone. | 50
Is There a Higher Place? | Reach the fifth milestone. | 100
Light at the End of the Tunnel | Reach the third milestone. | 50
Mountains Appeared Somewhere? | Reach the eighth milestone. | 100
Or Maybe It's Clouds? | Reach the ninth milestone. | 100
Or Maybe SpaceXxX | Reach the eleventh milestone. | 100
SpaceY | Reach the tenth milestone. | 100
Start Your Journey | Reach the first milestone. | 50
Stroke by Stroke | Reach the second milestone. | 50
Strokes Continue 2 | Reach the seventh milestone. | 100
Strokes Continue | Reach the sixth milestone. | 100