Achievement | How to unlock | Points
DONT NEED NO KEY | Oh, so you found it... | 90
HELLO KITTY | Good trip, isn't it? | 90
I GOT YOU BABE | Well done, keep playing. | 90
LET THERE BE LIGHT | You didn't let the fear win. | 90
LOVE IN AN ELEVATOR | Better than a rollercoaster. | 90
OOPS | Nice pull! and Nice death too! | 90
RUN RABBIT | I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say 'hello, goodbye,' I'm late, I'm late. | 90
SIBLING RIVALRY | So you completed the game. Well done I guess. | 100
SKELETON KEY | Home sweet home. | 90
THIS IS THE WAY | Well, keep playing. | 90
WAY TO GO | You placed it! | 90