Moonshine Inc. (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Kiddie Pool of BoozeMake 1000L of Alcohol.35
A Ton of WorkMake 10000L of Alcohol.45
Appalachian CinderellaClean / Repair an apparatus for the first time.15
BeehiveHave twelve workers at the same time.15
Brain of OperationDiscover all of the recipes.45
Country Boy, City ManArrive in Region 5.25
Da, ComradeDiscover all the Vodka recipes.20
Don't Go Too Deep!Be in debt.15
Family TraditionFinish the tutorial.5
Filtering ContentMake your first Filtered batch.15
First in ClassUnlock all Tier-1 Techs.15
For a Family DinnerMake 100L of Alcohol.20
Friend to AllComplete all Side Quests in one campaign.30
From Eastern Europe with LoveMake your first Vodka batch.15
FruityDiscover all the Brandy recipes.40
Getting ThereMake 5000L of Alcohol.40
Gone Done Did It!Finish the Campaign.30
HelpfulFinish your first Side Quest.20
Henry Ford Style OutputHave five batches running at the same time.15
IndustrialistMake 500 deliveries.50
It's FineMake your first Fine batch.25
It's Free Real EstateHave all Buildings at max level at the same time.20
It's GrrrrreatMake your first Premium batch.35
It's Over, Man, It's OverHave a Game Over.10
It's Raidin' MenGet one of your stash raided.10
Know-it-allUnlock all Tier-2 Techs.20
Light in the DarkDiscover all the Moonshine recipes.35
Liquid GoldMake your first Whisky batch.15
MerchantMake hundred deliveries.20
Not Old, And Yet GoldMake your first Aged batch.15
Not So Secret Agent ManArrive in Region 3.15
Ocean of BoozeMake 20000L of Alcohol.50
PeddlerMake ten deliveries.20
PerfectionMake your first 100% Quality batch.30
ScroogeHire a worker at the lowest price they'll go to.30
Serious BusinessArrive in Region 2.15
She-wolfArrive in Region 4.20
Shining a Light on ThingsMake your first Moonshine batch.15
Sweet and FruityMake your first Brandy batch.15
TechnomanUnlock all Tier-3 Techs.25
Things Be A-Happenin'Have three events happening on the same delivery.15
Vroom Vroom VroomOwn three trucks.15
Yee-HawDiscover all the Whisky recipes.20