Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
BABY'S SKINShave and see what happens.25
BEST PETPay attention to your companion.25
DANGEROUS PERFUMEWear perfume and see what happens.100
FOR YOU, MY LOVEFind a way to distract him from his thoughts.100
FRESH STARTFind Anita.100
FULL MENUTry all the offerings at the Moonage Daydream.100
FULL PICTURECompleted all the endings.100
NOT LIKE THISRefuse to play his game.100
PERSPECTIVESSee the world through his eyes.50
POSTER LOVERKeep an eye on the changes in your room.50
SAVIORSave the Milky Way Prince.100
SERIOUS TALKAsk the tough questions.50
StasisAvoid Critical Collapse.100