Lightyear Frontier (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Comfy HandPick up a Farm Animal.10
A Feast for BeastsFeed 50 animals.50
A Novice HatcherHatch five Farm Animals.20
A Seed for ScienceCollect a Spliced Seed.10
Agrarian BombardmentPlant 1000 seeds.100
AgroforesterPlant 200 Sprouts.50
All You Need is LoveHave ten happy Farm Animals at once.50
And I Would Plow Five Hundred MorePlow 1000 Mounds in Field Plow Mode.50
Ballistic AgriculturePlant your first seed.10
Born LuckyHave five rare Farm Animals at once.50
Checking in on DianeHave five daily chats with Diane.20
Checking in on UlfHave five daily chats with Ulf.20
Color Me ImpressedDiscover 20 Paints.20
Country RoadsCreate paths in Pathmaker Mode.50
Cultivation ArtilleryPlant 500 seeds.50
Diane has Moved InHelp Diane move in.100
EnvironmentalistRestore a region.20
Establish a ConnectionBuild the Radio Tower.20
First SpillSpray water at another player.10
Fledgling Mech-MechanicGet an upgrade at the Upgrade Depot.20
Hey, Cut That Out!Scare away 10 animals.10
Hygge ApprenticeIncrease Homestead Coziness to 1.10
Hygge ArtisanIncrease Homestead Coziness to 2.20
Hygge ExpertIncrease Homestead Coziness to 3.50
I Would Plow Five Hundred MoundsPlow 500 Mounds in Field Plow Mode.50
Nice and TidyRemove 50 Noxious Slimes.20
Old FriendHave a Farm Animal for 30 days.50
Projectile FarmingPlant 100 seeds.20
Put a Bow on ThemPut an Accessory on a Farm Animal.10
Ruin SweeperExplore seven ruins.50
Savior of the Outset GrasslandsRestore all regions in Outset Grasslands.100
Share a NibbleFeed an animal for the first time.10
Snack TimeFeed 20 animals.20
SpotlessRemove 150 Noxious Slimes.50
Stain RemovalRemove 10 Noxious Slimes.10
Stuck the LandingTrip and land on your feet five times.50
Succesful ExperimentCollect a Mutated Crop.20
The Egg Came FirstCollect 20 Abandoned Eggs.20
Tuned UpGet 10 upgrades at the Upgrade Depot.50
Ulf has Moved InHelp Ulf move in.100
Weed DestroyerRemove 700 Noxious Weeds.50
Weed SlayerRemove 300 Noxious Weeds.20
Weed WackerRemove 100 Noxious Weeds.10
What Lies BeneathExplore the vault in Outset Grasslands.200
XenoarchaeologyExplore a ruin.20