Light of Life (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Completed FlosheimCompleted the world of Flosheim.100
First CrystalCollect a crystals in the world of Flosheim.90
Flosheim #10Completed the 10th level of Flosheim.90
Flosheim #15Completed the 15th level of Flosheim.90
Flosheim #1Completed the 1st level of of Flosheim.90
Flosheim #5Completed the 5th level of Flosheim.90
Good ShotDestroyed the target.90
Learning MoreDie hundred times.90
LearningYour first death.90
Starter JourneyStart the first journey.90
Still LearningDie ten times.90