Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Completed Flosheim | Completed the world of Flosheim. | 100
First Crystal | Collect a crystals in the world of Flosheim. | 90
Flosheim #10 | Completed the 10th level of Flosheim. | 90
Flosheim #15 | Completed the 15th level of Flosheim. | 90
Flosheim #1 | Completed the 1st level of of Flosheim. | 90
Flosheim #5 | Completed the 5th level of Flosheim. | 90
Good Shot | Destroyed the target. | 90
Learning More | Die hundred times. | 90
Learning | Your first death. | 90
Starter Journey | Start the first journey. | 90
Still Learning | Die ten times. | 90