Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Alien Ally | You formed an unlikely alliance with Ilvar's hench-alien Zarath. You two were made for each other! | 35
Apt Apprentice | You helped Tobias escape the Monastery prison and he has accepted you as his apprentice. | 10
Ardent Avenger | You avenged all the Naboru killed in the previous ratkin uprising by executing the captive ratkin. | 5
Benevolent Broken | You decided to break the shackles of Ilvar's command and did not execute Her Majesty. Nice! | 20
Bone Bearer | You gave Paak the cadaver of Bufus, so he could get the praise he deserved for his heroic feats. | 10
Brian's Best Buddy | You showed Brian that you mean only well for the mission and for the Naboru Empire. Good job! | 40
Commited Cop | You ignored Ilvar's bribes and handed him over to the Naboru. Justice, thy name is Silver! | 35
Covetous Cop | You took the bribe from Ilvar and let his crimes against The Naboru Empire slide. Cunning! | 20
Fabulous Finisher | You made it to the very end of the game! Well done. May you ascend in tots. | 200
Good Guard | You reported the lightning rod at the Monastery and became one of the loyal Queen's Guards. | 20
Gory Gift-Bringer | You gave Draap's head to Yosi to bring peace to all the ratkins of Wardenia. How spiritual of you! | 35
Hard-Headed Hitman | You assassinated the Queen in cold blood. It was nothing personal, though. | 10
Marco's Matchmaker | You gave Marco the general's head and orchestrated his marriage with Hadriana. Majestic matchmaking! | 40
Passionate Peacemaker | You reunited the whole of Wardenia and brought peace to Naboru and ratkins alike! | 50
Patriarchal Patronizer | You turned the other cheek and released Maltis from Ilvar's prison. How big of you! | 20
Petra's Pal | Your devotion to the ratkins' well-being melted Petra's heart. She is now your faithful friend! | 40
Raging Ratvolutionary | You found a pack of brathers who accepted you as one of their own. Respect the Ratvolution! | 10
Rat-Wisdom Rejector | You executed Ilvar's orders and killed Yosi. So much for that new-agey non-violence bullcrap! | 20
Ratvolution Rat | You ratted on your furkin brathers to Grachus, so they could be slaughtered by the Naboru army. | 50
Refugee Rescuer | You saved the Naboru refugees from the wrath of grandmother Gyung. Peace still stands a chance! | 50
Resolved Renegade | You rejected Grachus's offer and stood firm in supporting the Ratvolution. Respect! | 50
Revenge Raider | You let Gok and your Ratvolutionary brathers ransack the holy Citadel of the Naboru. Such fun! | 35
Righteous Ratvenger | You avenged the crimes against the ratinity by killing Tobias on Gok's request at the Monastery. | 10
Royal Rake | You stood by Hadriana's side all the way to the romantic, pragmatic royal wedding. Congratulations! | 35
Self-Seeking Savior | You decided to spare Ilvar's life. Maybe he planned for that, too, but he might prove useful later. | 20
Sluggish Spy | You asked Ilvar to help find the compromising letters between Grachus and Regulus. Oh, the irony! | 15
Stealthy Shadow | You managed to hide the lightning rod, saving the Keepers from Her Majesty's wrath. For some time. | 20
Swordplay Sensation | You defeated Marco in your first duel, against all odds. Rough beginning to a wonderful friendship. | 35
Sympathetic Samaritan | You didn't back away from the heavy lifting at the Bridge and got Ilvar back to safety. Fattastic! | 35
Tobias's Therapist | You discovered why Tobias hates the ratkins—they've eaten his niece! Or at least he says so... | 5
Topsy-Turvy Turncoat | You had second thoughts again, and betrayed poor old Regulus instead of killing Her Majesty. | 20