Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Beatbox | Dash thousand times (Challenge mode) | 20
Breakcore | Get 2000 Beat Points. | 20
Chill | Complete a level without dashing (Challenge mode) | 20
Flower Power | Beat 'Lycanthropy' Boss (Story mode) | 30
Freestyle | Dash 2500 times (Challenge mode) | 30
Greatest Hits | Complete a playlist of ten songs or more. | 30
Greatestest Hits | Complete a playlist of all Story mode bosses. | 30
Grindcore | Get 15000 Beat Points. | 120
Guitar Solo | Obtain fifteen Rank S. | 50
Hardcore | Get 7500 Beat Points. | 75
Hendrix Level | Obtain Rank S without dashing (Challenge mode) | 30
High Fives | Rescue fifty friends (Challenge mode) | 40
Hits after Hits | Complete a challenge with Rank A or higher on all levels. | 50
It's Over, for real, really | Complete Story. | 50
It's Over, for real | Beat 'Final Boss' (Story mode) | 40
It's Over | Beat tutorial Boss (Story mode) | 15
It's trying to say something | Beat 'Close To Me' Boss (Story mode) | 35
Learning it | Complete five challenges. | 20
Low Fives | Rescue ten friends (Challenge mode) | 20
Mad Skills | Obtain twenty Rank A. | 30
Mastering it | Complete ten challenges. | 50
Methodical | Complete 25 challenges. | 100
Okay maybe it wasn't over | Beat 'New Game' Boss (Story mode) | 20
Pretty goooood! | Obtain ten Rank B. | 20
Skills | Obtain ten Rank A. | 30
Snakes, it had to be snakes | Beat 'Barracuda' Boss (Story mode) | 25