Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A famous duo | Picked up the Yooka-Laylee assist. | 25
Amun Charge! | Entered fury mode with Jazz for the first time. | 25
And All That Jazz... | Finished the game with Jazz. | 50
Baby Chungus | Unlocked all special moves for Baby. | 50
Being cooler than cool | Defeated Frost. | 25
Crushing Combo | Got a combo chain of 150. | 25
Emaki Moshing | Defeated the heard of emaki ninjas on the roof of the dojo. | 25
Fish food | Defeated Balthazar. | 25
Fujin Strike! | Entered fury mode with Hero for the first time. | 25
Great Combo | Got a combo chain of 75. | 25
Hero of the story... | Finished the game with Hero. | 50
In the flesh | Defeated Dash Kobayashi. | 25
Mardi Gras | Unlocked all special moves for Jazz. | 50
Master of Disguise | Defeated Shade. | 25
Odin Blades! | Entered fury mode with Aros for the first time. | 25
Outstanding Combo | Got a combo chain of 250. | 25
Rain of Pain! | Entered fury mode with Baby for the first time. | 25
Sanshinsenkyoken! | Performed a super special with Hero for the first time. | 25
Scorch Frogger! | Performed a super special with Jazz for the first time. | 25
Shinobi Sensei | Unlocked all special moves for Hero. | 50
Suffer, like G did | Defeated Raven. | 25
Surfing on the lava! | Defeated Dash Kobayashi in the lava surfing stage. | 25
Tanuki 100 | Got a parry chain of 100. | 50
Teranis Inferno! | Performed a super special with Aros for the first time. | 25
That's gotta sting | Defeated Slayer. | 25
The Boarbarian | Unlocked all special moves for Aros. | 50
They chickened out | Turned a boss into a chicken. | 50
Vulcan Assault! | Performed a super special with Baby for the first time. | 25
With a Pocket Full of Shells... | Finished the game with Aros. | 50
You will always be my Baby... | Finished the game with Baby. | 50