Instant Sports Paradise (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
CuratorYou look like a trainer200
Curiosity for fishYou catch five fishes.10
Curiosity for insectsYou catch five insects.10
Curiosity for mineralsYou found five minerals.10
Entomological passionYou catch hundred insects.50
EntomologistYou really like insect ?100
ExplorerNow you can catch them all !25
Fish collectorYou catch fifty fishes.25
Fishing proDon't eat them !100
Icthyological passionYou catch hundred fishes.50
Insect collectorYou catch fifty insects.25
Mineral collectorYou found fifty minerals.25
Mineralogical passionYou found hundred minerals.50
MineralogistYou really like pebbles ?100
Multi-ActivityThree challenges done !20
Quasi-DecathleteSoon Olympics Game ?50
Treasure hunterYou are a pirate ?150